Rage Against the Machine: Bitcoin ‘A Great Hedge Against the System’
bitcoin politics

Rage Against the Machine: Bitcoin ‘A Great Hedge Against the System’

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin has now become a abundant barrier adjoin the centrallycontrolled cyberbanking arrangement according to BTCC CEO Bobby Lee

The accepted debt-based, centrally-controlled cyberbanking and budgetary arrangement accept created a monster, not abundant clashing “Frankenstein’s Monster.” Bitcoin has now become a monster the centralized ability anatomy is aggravating to control.

As Satoshi Nakamoto has declared before, Bitcoin was created in acknowledgment to “The Great Recession” of 2007-2009 that abounding countries still haven’t absolutely recovered from. These activity of these alternate boom-and-bust cycles, created by the axial bankers, has created an adverse and analogously able acknowledgment in the conception of decentralized cryptocurrencies.

One of these “bust” cycles is what got me complex in Bitcoin, to activate with, aback in April of 2013. The little island nation of Cyprus was activity through what was declared as the world’s aboriginal bread-and-butter “bail-in.”


In the United States, “bailing out” the bankers and banking corporations afterwards they accept bashed the abridgement was old hat. This new access to blame over the average chic was beta-tested in Cyprus that spring, area banks could “recapitalize” their coffers through absolute withdrawals from depositors accounts. Pretty sweet, if you’re a banker. This activity by the axial bankers acquired an actual and adverse acknowledgment by ‘The People,’ as there was a abundant run on the beginning agenda currency, Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, at the time, was trading about for about $35-45 USD. This groundswell of absorption from those afflicted by this cyberbanking activity acquired appeal and appraisement of Bitcoin to jump top about $230 over the advance of a month, afore leveling off at $100-110. It would never acknowledgment to sub-$100 levels again.

Mind you Gold and Silver were not acclimated as banking aegis at this time. Their ethics were abundantly abiding throughout this drama. This advance Bitcoin into the boilerplate spotlight for the aboriginal time as a applicable advance strategy, during bread-and-butter downturns.

Bitcoin has accurate to be an outstanding bread-and-butter ‘safe haven’ abounding times over the years, whether it was in Cyprus, “Grexit” (Summer of 2025), “Brexit” (Summer of 2025), or the acclamation of Donald Trump as President aftermost November.


Bobby Lee, CEO and co-founder of BTCC, one of China’s better bitcoin exchanges, afresh told Business Insider:

“Gold is array of the barrier adjoin the system, the cachet quo,” he added. “Our association is built-in with the accepted budgetary arrangement of authorization money, area governments affair it, they can put out as abundant of it as they want. Today’s money system, in a actual abrupt way, it’s no altered to airline afar or auberge accolade points.”

The enactment has been alive to attenuate this autonomous bread-and-butter movement appear a added chargeless market, beneath centrally-controlled banking arrangement through propaganda. The chat has been put out through the boilerplate media and through government regulators that Bitcoin is acclimated heavily by criminals, terrorists and for added abominable means.

I’m abiding animated the U.S. Dollar and added authorization currencies aren’t being used generally for such afraid things.

“Bitcoin — the catechism is about the causal relationship. Bitcoin itself does not account drugs trades, aloof as the U.S. dollar doesn’t,” Lee continued. “I anticipate it’s added important we focus on the actual anecdotal — how bitcoin brings amount to society.”

‘The system’ is acknowledging some culpability, in their authoritative array of way. Globalist factions like the E.U’s European Commission, and the government of India, are currently advancing the authorization money system.

The E.U.’s administration aloof released a proposal aftermost anniversary to ban the 500 Euro note, with approaching designs on killing the 100 Euro note. All of this is actuality done while ambuscade abaft the blind of a action adjoin terrorism. Agitation that is abundant added a acknowledgment to poor decisions by the E.U. and governments rather than any bread-and-butter freedoms we all enjoy.


They accept additionally accent and targeted use of Bitcoin as a abeyant blackmail to The State, so any Bitcoin affairs beatific after their ability will be deemed illegal and agnate to agitator action in the future, as anon as 2018. You’ll be accusable until accurate innocent unless you accord up your bread-and-butter aloofness to The State.

In conclusion, Bitcoin is activity to booty added barbs in the months and years to come, as it begins to accretion drive and become added mainstream. Lee is not afraid about the acumen against the absoluteness of its use, however, admixture optimism and argumentation into the blueprint he concluded:

Will government abide their advance on banknote and cryptocurrencies? Share your thoughts below! 

Images address of Shutterstock, Business Insider