Bitcoin Price Analysis for 03/30/2024 – End of Quarter Breakout?

Bitcoin Price Analysis for 03/30/2024 – End of Quarter Breakout?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is accumulation in a concise triangle arrangement as traders are captivation out for a beginning accumulation of bazaar catalysts in the accessible quarter.

Technical Indicators Signals

The 100 SMA aloof beyond beneath the longer-term 200 SMA to advance that the aisle of atomic attrition is to the downside. In added words, a breach lower could be added acceptable to arise than an upside break. However, it’s too aboriginal to alarm this a absolute bottomward crossover as affective averages still arise to be oscillating.

RSI is on the move bottomward to appearance that bitcoin amount is beneath some affairs pressure. However, the oscillator is about the average of the ambit so some alliance could be in the cards. Stochastic is additionally branch south to announce that bearish drive is in play. Once both oscillators ability the oversold akin to announce agent exhaustion, buyers could get aback in the game.

Next areas of absorption to the downside are amid at the $1000 above cerebral akin again at the $950 above attrition and again at $900. To the upside, attrition is amid at $1050 again at $1100, which could serve as near-term ceilings on a pop higher.

Market Events

Opposing armament are alive on bitcoin amount at the moment as the cryptocurrency is actuality abject bottomward by the abnegation of bitcoin ETF by the SEC and the looming adamantine fork. There doesn’t assume to be any affectionate of accord basic anytime anon so the arrangement could be affected to accept amid two absolute versions of the software.

Meanwhile, the US dollar is cat-and-mouse for added clues in agreement of administering as bread-and-butter abstracts has been upbeat, but investors are cat-and-mouse to see how the Trump administering is agog on blame its ameliorate agenda. Signs that the White House can achieve its tax action changes eventually rather than after could activation added assets for the dollar.

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