By The Numbers: Here’s How Much The Pirate Bay’s Bitcoin Donations Are Worth

By The Numbers: Here’s How Much The Pirate Bay’s Bitcoin Donations Are Worth

THELOGICALINDIAN - Popular peertopeer filesharing armpit The Pirate Bay TPB seems like the absolute belvedere to embrace Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies For years the sites accept been targeted by companies absorb owners and regulators beyond the world

Yet, the belvedere is alive and possibly with millions in donations fabricated in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero. These are the cryptocurrencies, with their corresponding addresses, accessible for bodies to contribute.

According to a address fabricated by Torrentfreak, The Pirate Bay receives a “steady beck of Bitcoin donations”. Data aggregate by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) claimed in a 2024 address that these could add up to about $10 anniversary day back 2024.

The belvedere was one of the aboriginal to acquire Bitcoin donations in that period, the address claims. When the advantage was launched, a BTC traded at about $125. This brought abounding apropos for regulators and the RIAA.

This advantage gave the belvedere added flexibility, and it was able to become added censorship-resistant. The website allows users to allotment multimedia files, books, games, comics, and more.

At its peak, anon afterwards it chip BTC donations, The Pirate Bay fabricated about 5.5 BTC per day, but the quick acknowledgment in its amount has acquired them to bead off.

A quick chase with the Mempool confirms that, at the time of writing, the belvedere holds $145.77 in Bitcoin or 0.002 BTC.

If added to these donations, the belvedere captivated on to its BTC funds back the aboriginal days, Torrentfreak estimates that The Pirate Bay could be “sitting on a massive accumulation of cryptocurrency today”.

Bitcoin Makes The Pirate Bay More Censorship Resistance

Additional abstracts provided by Torrentfreak claims that amid 2024 and 2024, The Pirate Bay accustomed over 126.64 Bitcoin via donations. In 2024, the belvedere added 8.21 BTC added with 1 BTC advancing back the cryptocurrency accomplished its antecedent best at $20,000 in 2024.

Thus, the address assured that The Pirate Bay could accept about $6,8 actor in BTC donations if they captivated to their funds. This represents a donation arrival of about $2,000, anniversary day back 2024.

A lot of the acclaim goes to the bodies abaft the project, and the association focused on convalescent the platform. However, it additionally demonstrates Bitcoin’s accommodation to aid assertive projects subjected to burden from regulators, authorities.

It’s accessible that after BTC as a way to accept support, the belvedere could accept been taken bottomward a lot of time ago. As Bitcoinist appear a few canicule ago, agreeable belvedere OnlyFans suffered a lot of burden from banks and acquittal processors to ban animal workers.

Nevertheless, The Pirate Bay has been analytic for a added able apparatus to accept donations. Thus, it launched its own native badge alleged TPB.

The badge is yet to accretion absorption but could accredit users, moderators, partners, and others to acquire and accelerate rewards added directly.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin trades at $48,915 with a 1.2% assemblage in the circadian chart.