EBTM: The Story of a Bitcoin Operator in Belgium

EBTM: The Story of a Bitcoin Operator in Belgium

THELOGICALINDIAN - When it comes to Bitcoin manufacturers on a all-around calibration there are affluence of companies to accept from As a aftereffect you hardly anytime see a architect operating one of their own ATMs these canicule This opens opportunities for added companies whom will acquiescently acquirement one or added machines from a admired architect EBTM is a Belgian Bitcoin ATM abettor and this is their story

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Buying From Manufacturers and Operating the Machine


Similar to added companies and individuals about the world, EBTM purchased a Bitcoin ATM from a acclaimed manufacturer. In adjustment to acquire aback their antecedent advance — and hopefully about-face a accumulation — this Belgian Bitcoin aggregation accuse a agency of 5% per Bitcoin transaction. That cardinal is in band with best Bitcoin ATM’s about the world, alike admitting some of them allegation fees up to 8%.

Contrary to accepted belief, however, operating one Bitcoin ATM does not agreement a quick profit. Depending on the area of your machine, you may or may not accept a lot of absorption from bottom traffic. Belgium is befitting a low contour in agreement of Bitcoin acceptance and awareness, so operating aloof this one ATM is not abundant for EBTM agents to abdicate their day job.

The Bitcoin ATM amid at the Coffeelabs architecture in Antwerp is bogus by BitAccess, an advancing ATM architect based in Canada. What makes these accessories produced by BitAccess so absorbing is that they are two-way Bitcoin ATM’s by design. This allows users to buy and advertise Bitcoin in barter for authorization currency.

Of the 5% fee answerable per transaction through the Bitcoin ATM operated by EBTM, a baby cut goes aback to BitAccess. Said cut covers the abutment abaft the scenes, such as software updates, alien admission to fix issues and accepted maintenance. All of the software and API hooks are provided by BitAccess, yet aggregate can be tweaked to the operator’s liking.

Earnings, Limits and Liquidity

Bitcoinist_ebtm withdrawal

As I mentioned before, the EBTM agents is not accepting affluent brief from operating one Bitcoin ATM actuality in Belgium. According to the estimates they provided us with, a absolute of 7 or 8 ATM’s would be bare in adjustment to accomplish a accumulation on a approved basis. Quitting day jobs can alone appear already the transaction aggregate picks up drastically.

The all-embracing transaction aggregate has best up back November of 2014. Statistics announce there is an alike antithesis amid the cardinal of buys and sales. This may be article you would not apprehend from a Bitcoin ATM, but it is a acceptable abruptness nonetheless. No exact transaction numbers accept been provided at this time.

With the cardinal of Bitcoin and authorization bill affairs activity up, clamminess becomes an more important factor. On the Bitcoin side, the EBTM-operated Bitcoin ATM is absorbed into Bitstamp’s API, which provides abundant funds for now. On the ancillary of authorization currency, however, EBTM agents has to biking to Antwerp on a approved base to augment Euro bills to the machine.

As is the case with about every Bitcoin ATM about the world, there are assertive banned in abode back application the machine. Acceptance a user’s character is a key agency for EBTM, alike admitting the bounded government does not aphorism Bitcoin as money [yet]. Customers can absorb up to 2,000 EUR account of authorization bill or Bitcoin by acceptance their identity. Up to 500 EUR requires you to accommodate a adaptable buzz number, and to bypass that limitation, an ID browse is required.

The Travelling EBTM Machine


It has to be said, however, that this BitAccess ATM operated by EBTM has apparent its fair allotment of travelling so far. The apparatus was originally installed in Brussels during a annular of beta testing, yet it was confused to Antwerp after on. Right now, the apparatus is hosted at Coffeelabs’ arena floor, but the ATM will be confused admiral after this year.

Finding a area for a Bitcoin ATM has accurate to be a bit of a attempt for EBTM. Business owners are still alert of agenda currency, and would rather not get complex in hosting a Bitcoin ATM. However, companies with an absorption in new technologies — such as Coffeelabs — are added agog to get complex with Bitcoin.

Future Plans

The way things are attractive appropriate now, EBTM is attractive at affairs and installing a additional Bitcoin ATM in Belgium. Before that can appear though, the aggregation feels a Bitcoin amount access is needed, as that will access both media absorption and ATM usage. Once bodies see how the amount per Bitcoin goes up again, added barter may be affairs agenda bill from an EBTM-operated machine.

Finding investors to aback financially a Bitcoin ATM-related aggregation is difficult these days. Especially back you accede that EBTM is not architecture these accessories themselves, but affairs them from a manufacturer. Investing in a aggregation that “only” gets a cut from the transaction fees is not as aboveboard as you ability think.

What do you anticipate about EBTM? Comment below!

Source: Bitcoin Brussel Meetup April 23

Images address of EBTM and BitAccess