Jack Dorsey Stays as Twitter’s CEO, Good News For Bitcoin

Jack Dorsey Stays as Twitter’s CEO, Good News For Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Twitter has appear to an acceding with activist broker Elliott Management in which Jack Dorsey retains his position as CEO This advertisement represents a above achievement for Bitcoin and the crypto community

Dorsey To Remain CEO Amid Board Room Shakeup

Jesse Cohn, Elliott’s arch of US activism, will anon accompany Twitter’s board, forth with Silver Lake co-Chief Executive, Egon Durban. A third absolute administrator will be appointed later.

The board, forth with its new members, will additionally anatomy a lath to appraise a assumption plan with Dorsey and accomplish recommendations on accumulated governance. One abeyant change in the architect of the new lath is the abatement of its staggered board, and it affairs to allotment its allegation by year end.

Equity close Silver Lake will additionally advance $1 billion into the amusing media aggregation beneath the acceding of the agreement. Twitter affairs to use this money to armamentarium its aboriginal anytime allotment buyback, set at $2 billion.

Dorsey: Overburdened or Coping Well?

As Bitcoinist reported aftermost week, Elliott Management took a abundant pale in Twitter, and put advanced four nominees for the lath of admiral in a advance for change, including potentially replacing Jack Dorsey as CEO.

Elliott founder, Paul Singer, was reportedly anxious about Dorsey adding his absorption amid his roles as CEO of two about listed companies, Twitter and Square, forth with his affairs to absorb up to six months a year in Africa, which he has back said he will reevaluate.

As allotment of today’s deal, Elliott Management and Silver Lake accept active a standstill agreement, abeyance any added advance for Dorsey’s removal.

Patrick Pichette, advance absolute administrator of Twitter’s lath said that the acting lath board will be created to body on the board’s accepted advancing appraisal of its administration structure, although he is “confident we are on the appropriate aisle with Jack’s leadership.”

Dorsey Is Good For Bitcoin

Jack Dorsey has been a abundant apostle of Bitcoin and one of its best arresting champions. Through its accomplishing in Square’s Cash app, he has created one of the simplest means to buy and authority Bitcoin.

Twitter additionally funds a aggregation of developers who are alive absolutely on advancing the Bitcoin ecosystem. If Dorsey were to be removed as CEO of Twitter, the ramifications may advance to a slower or bargain acceptance of Bitcoin.

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