How DeFi Project AntiMatter Finance Tanked Its Own Token Price

How DeFi Project AntiMatter Finance Tanked Its Own Token Price

THELOGICALINDIAN - AntiMatter apart all of its aboriginal investors vested tokens causing a amount blast of added than 50

Onchain derivatives agreement AntiMatter Finance has removed the vesting aeon for its cardinal investors, which acquired the project’s built-in badge amount to tumble.

AntiMatter Finance Unlocks Millions Of Tokens

AntiMatter Finance, an on-chain options trading protocol, acquired its own badge MATTER to blast afterwards it removed a vesting aeon from tokens awash to aboriginal investors. The activity appear Wednesday: 

“After centralized altercation MATTER has absitively to move advanced the alleviate all cardinal investors, including berry and clandestine rounds.” 

In a distinct day, 16 actor MATTER tokens, or 16% of the absolute 100 actor supply, accept been added to the circulation.

Following the announcement, the token price comatose by added than 50% aural a aeon of 24 hours, advancing bottomward from $0.44 to $0.22, according to CoinGecko.

The unlocking accommodation was fabricated abreast by the aggregation after any ascribe from the community.

The token’s aboriginal vesting agenda that the aggregation abandoned can be beheld on AntiMatter Finance’s website. 

In February 2024, AntiMatter Finance aloft $150,000 during a berry annular afterwards it awash 8.15 actor MATTER tokens to NGC Ventures, Spark Digital Capital, and Monday Capital at a amount of $0.0184 per token.

The aggregation after aloft addition $550,000 during a clandestine auction at a badge amount of $0.0347 per token. In both cases, the investors fabricated a acknowledgment of bags of percent. 

While 25% of the antecedent allocation was unlocked, aboriginal investors could added alleviate their tokens on a circadian base starting on Jun. 5.

The amount aggregation associates declared the beeline absolution as “unhealthy,” admitting actuality the ones who advised the tokenomics.

Jack Lu, the project’s co-founder, said of the absolution schedule:

“We accept that this activity will acceleration up negotiations with several CEX’s [sic] and ally we accept been accepting and allowance us clarify continued appellation supporters.” 

Lu claimed that unlocking all of the vested tokens at already would abolish the advertise pressure, clarify abiding supporters, and accomplish the badge accumulation added decentralized.

In response, several notable crypto personalities accused the aggregation of active a rug pull. Many critics additionally alleged the activity a “scam.”

Others say the move was fabricated so the MATTER badge would be accessible for a advertisement on a centralized barter (CEX), additionally acicular out by Lu above.

According to Devchart, co-founder of, AntiMatter’s unlocking of aboriginal investors’ tokens vesting helps accommodated the advertisement requirements of assertive exchanges.

Nevertheless, the amount aggregation members’ accommodation to not account the appointed vesting aeon is a aperture of investors’ confidence.

According to research from Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies, vesting of tokens purchased by aboriginal investors is a analytical footfall in ensuring abiding bazaar incentives. Vesting schedules that are adapted to account VCs and assembly can account cogent abuse to retail investors.

Vesting levels the arena acreage for new bazaar participants. Its ambition is to accomplish abiding aboriginal investors do not aerate the badge accumulation and abuse the badge price. On the contrary, AntiMatter’s move puts the ability aback into the easily of pre-market players.

Similar bazaar behavior was afresh apparent with the Dfinity badge barrage and the consecutive amount crash. Evidence suggests that in this case, unvested aboriginal backers awash off ICP tokens on the bazaar at launch, allowance the amount to collapse by added than 95% in a month.