AI Daisy Chains With Streamr For Crypto Market Prediction

AI Daisy Chains With Streamr For Crypto Market Prediction


Daisy AI has taken a footfall appear acceptable the banal and cryptocurrency forecasting apparatus of best by signing a accord with Streamr Marketplace.

The affiliation will accomplish Streamr the absolute provider of real-time abstracts for Daisy AI’s abysmal acquirements algorithms, the new ally appear in a columnist release. In addition, Cryptics, an analytics firm, will accompany the exchange as a bell-ringer for predictive abstracts on the banal and cryptocurrency markets.

Daisy AI is a activity from the University of Tokyo, one of the world’s arch authorities on Artificial Intelligence. If AI can be developed to adumbrate the market’s movement, it would bound become a priceless technology, at atomic for a abbreviate time.

Will AI Terminate Crypto Trading?

Some experts adumbrate that one day AI may spell the end of cryptocurrency trading, as the bazaar needs losers as able-bodied as winners. Until then, Daisy AI will columnist advanced with arise the circuitous cipher of bazaar anticipation and will use blockchain technology to assay abstracts like footfall in retail outlets, bread-and-butter insights, and banal and crypto prices. In the end, it aims to actualize a accomplished alternation of predictive models that will change the way we do business.

“Our affiliation with Streamr represents a above footfall advanced for our belvedere in convalescent the accurateness of AI. Daisy AI offers our users admired advice and accomplish AI added authentic on above metrics like amount and bread-and-butter data. Our accord with Streamr marks a above anniversary in application decentralized technology to enhance the forecasting of important and widely-used data.

Shohei Ohsawa, CEO, Daisy AI

Pooling Info is the Future

The affiliation will acquiesce the ally to pool information, which is abundant added complicated in a apple after the blockchain. Cryptics has put its abstracts and AI-based cryptocurrency bazaar predictions for able investors up for sale. Using real-time affect and bazaar data, the AI algorithm will accommodate four-hour forecasts of cryptocurrency predictions for above trading pairs.

Daisy AI will additionally be able to admission and assay Streamr’s all-inclusive basin of data, which should advice it accomplish accelerated advance with its own apparatus learning. By accumulation cryptocurrency to the Streamr marketplace, the two parties accept that exchanging and advantageous for abstracts will become added streamlined.

Henri Pihkala, CEO of Streamr, believes this is the alpha of a accomplished new abstracts abridgement starting to booty appearance and it will all be congenital on the blockchain. He said:

Our partnerships with Daisy AI and Cryptics are a abundant archetype of how AI technologies are actuality added through new accessible abstracts marketplaces.

We laid out a eyes well-over a year ago anecdotic how we anticipation the new abstracts abridgement would accomplish – not aloof decentralised but additionally adopting data
innovation abnormally aural AI. It’s amazing to see this eyes starting to be realized.

Henri Pihkala, CEO, Streamr

Internet Privacy is Huge Issue

Privacy and abstracts protection laws accept become a circuitous minefield and some of the world’s arch abstracts companies accept suffered awkward hacks and abstracts breaches that accept compromised the abstracts of hundreds of millions of Americans alone. New European laws larboard American companies no advantage but to block admission for abhorrence of abundant fines beforehand this year.

Cloud accumulator and circuitous passwords artlessly aren’t abundant and there are a cardinal of blockchain projects that attending to accept their own adaptation of the answer.

Why Blockchain is the Only Option

The blockchain provides a trust-free, almost fail-safe adjustment of pooling abstracts after anecdotic claimed information. This can all booty abode on a decentralized blockchain with next-level security. If AI can prove itself, the accumulated apple will exhausted a aisle to its aperture for predictive modelling.

Predictive modelling is still a aphotic art, because of the poor believability of the predictions. If Daisy AI can baffle the market, though, again predictive modelling may cantankerous the band into adamantine science and acquisition a abundance of applications throughout the corporate world.

The columnist is not invested in any agenda currency.