Electroneum Powers Up KYC Compliance

Electroneum Powers Up KYC Compliance


One day, you ability not charge ID to buy beer…if you pay with Electroneum, that is. The mobile-payments-focused agreement afresh appear itself to be the aboriginal KYC-compliant agenda currency, abacus a band of accuracy and diffusing some of crypto’s abrogating perceptions. 

Voluntary KYC will activate immediately, and binding allotment will activate on the 12th of November, according to a columnist release. Users will be appropriate to accouter affidavit of their character based on the bulk of Electroneum bill in their wallet, with added proofs appropriate for better-funded users. 

“Today marks the third time Electronuem has burst new arena in the cryptocurrency world,” says CEO Richard Ells said in a columnist release. “We were the world’s aboriginal adaptable cryptocurrency, we developed the world’s aboriginal cryptocurrency burning acquittal API and today we are the world’s aboriginal KYC-compliant cryptocurrency.”

KYC— It’s accessible as 1-2-3

Although commutual KYC is usually tedious, Electroneum has partnered with Yoti, a RegTech company, to accomplish the ID action almost painless.  Using Yoti’s adaptable app, barter will be able to “prove their character in seconds,” removing the charge for awkward selfies and continued delay times. 

“Our KYC band-aid is radically altered to added providers,” said Yoti’s tech advance Thom White, explaining:

Individuals alone charge to actualize their Yoti once, and afresh use this time and time afresh to prove their character in a simple and defended way. As a result, we are seeing accelerated bazaar assimilation in the Cryptocurrency sector, as able-bodied as FinTech and Financial Services added generally.

The development is a above footfall advanced for crypto-finance, which has ahead relied on bleared webcams for authoritative compliance. Incorporating character requirements anon into the Electroneum app will “take cryptocurrency out of its acceptable home amid the aristocratic and out into the added world,” the aggregation said in its columnist release. 

Working with Yoti and actuality adjustable with KYC requirements is crucial,” Ells says. “Our accumulated ally appetite us to be able to prove our bill is alone actuality acclimated for accepted activities. Now we can, that agency we can activate to assignment with these organisations to accommodate ETN as a anatomy of payment.”

KYC—Crypto’s Trojan Horse? 

Although Electroneum expects KYC acquiescence to addition the coin’s acceptance and legitimacy, the balmy acceptable ability not be accepted amid cryptocurrency users. Part of crypto’s address is its about anonymity; Electroneum is not a privacy-protecting coin, and abacus a KYC claim could accomplish it alike easier to affix identities with balances.

Those requirements ability about-face abroad users of Monero and Bitcoin, but it may accessible doors amid merchants who are contrarily angry off by crypto’s gray-market associations. And, admitting a Yoti agenda ID is no acting for a drivers’ license, affairs beer with crypto may become a lot easier afterwards Electroneum cleans up its image. 

The columnist is not invested in Electroneum, but has added agenda assets.