Happy Birthday NEO: The One Becomes Two

Happy Birthday NEO: The One Becomes Two


NEO acclaimed its additional ceremony today, blame two years of abiding operations back its mainnet launched. While best of us bless our birthdays with cake, presents and red envelopes, the Chinese-led crypto activity is adulatory the blockchain way— with a “technical accessories competition,” as able-bodied as added contests. 

“The NEO MainNet has been active in abiding accommodation for two years back its release,” the NEO website said in the ceremony announcement. “As an aboriginal blockchain project, NEO has spent the accomplished two years convalescent its amount technology, adorning and extending its ecosystem, and accretion the all-around attendance of the NEO community.”

NEO’s Premature Growth Spurt

NEO was one of 2017’s greatest hits, although the countdown in prices was abundantly overshadowed by a few added big blockchains. Under the diminutive name of Antshares, the mainnet launched with a badge admired at about $0.08 cents—putting it all the way bottomward at 535th by bazaar capitalization.

But Antshares climbed at alarming speed. By August 2017, back it rebranded, NEO had accomplished the top ten, with prices blame $40 dollars. Within a few months, the amount quadrupled again, bridge $160 afore the balloon began to burst. 

Peeking Under the Wrapping Paper

But the two-year-old blockchain is already starting to bear on the presents. Although Ethereum affective best of the spotlight in the blockchain revolution, NEO’s dBFT accord algorithm comes with cogent advantages—including a 10,000 per-second transaction amount that leaves proof-of-work blockchains in the agenda dust. 

Those advantages accept watered a active badge ecosystem. At preset, CoinMarketCap lists twenty-seven NEO tokens—more than EOS and Stellar combined.

This makes the “Smart Economy” one of the best able platforms, alike if not the best overvalued. Since it’s Turing-complete, aggregate accessible on Ethereum can be done faster on NEO: there are NEO character protocols, decentralized bank dApps, decentralized biking booking, security tokens, market analysis platforms, and alike a NEO Name Service. Crypto Kitties accept not yet fabricated it into the blockchain, but it has no botheration managing Hash Puppies. 

However, NEO’s promoters are award their assignment already cut out: prices suffered added than best as a aftereffect of authoritative aversion and acrimonious bazaar conditions, and  NEO bill are now trading at one-tenth of their December high. Although it’s not yet bright if it can acknowledgment to the top ten, signs announce that developers and the association accept it has boilerplate to go but up. 

Unfortunately this agency NEO is now entering the Terrible Twos – according to the Mayo Clinic, we can apprehend “frustration, misbehavior and tantrums” and we charge to abstain “challenging situations”.

So, acceptable luck with that.

The columnist is not currently invested in NEO.