Nexus Mutual Hacker Now Demanding $2.7 Million Ethereum Ransom

Nexus Mutual Hacker Now Demanding $2.7 Million Ethereum Ransom

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite an advancing analysis by Nexus Mutual and 1inch Exchange the hacker is still at ample Now hes adopting the stakes

The Nexus Mutual hacker beatific a absolute bulletin to Hugh Karp’s Ethereum abode this morning, ambitious 4,500 ETH account ($2.7 million) in barter for the actual loot. 

Nexus Mutual Hacker Unloads on DEXes

The amount of Nexus Mutual’s NXM tokens has alone 15% back the hack. The perpetrator now intends to delay for amount accretion afore auction the rest. 

While waiting, the hacker has asked the Nexus Mutual founder, Hugh Karp, for a $1.7 adjustment to acknowledgment the actual loot.

Immediately afterwards the incident on Monday, the antagonist adapted the KYC-ed NXM tokens to Wrapped NXM (wNXM) on Ethereum, application decentralized exchanges 1inch and Matcha

Later, the perpetrator apple-pie $2.7 million, converting wNXM to 137 renBTC stored in two addresses

During the 12-hour deadline, Hugh Karp placed on the article to either acknowledgment the funds for a $300k compensation or face acknowledged consequences. 

The antagonist has displayed a absolute apathy for Karp’s threats. 

Brave or Stupid? 

Today, the aggressor adapted addition $500,000 wNXM into Ethereum and has paused for amount accretion afore auction more. The antagonist acclimated Tornado Cash, a aloofness apparatus for appearance Ethereum transactions, and 1inch barter to catechumen wNXM to ETH. 

The extra wNXM tokens, account about $4.5 million, are still at the hacker’s disposal. 

So far, the hacker’s KYC abstracts on Nexus Mutual accept revealed a area in Singapore. The IP address, nonetheless, tracked a Japanese site. 

Despite the composure in accustomed out the attack, the antagonist seems to accept fabricated a few clumsy mistakes, authoritative them accessible to IP abode tracking. However, it is additionally accessible that the hacker is application a VPN account to mislead investigators. 

The adventurousness of the hacker doesn’t announce any abhorrence of accepting caught.