Optimism Raises $150M in Series B Round

Optimism Raises $150M in Series B Round

THELOGICALINDIAN - The allotment annular was led by Paradigm and Andreessen Horowitz

Ethereum Layer 2 ascent startup Optimism has appear a $150 actor Series B allotment round.

Optimism Closes Series B Raise

Optimism has appear a $150 actor Series B allotment round.

Led by some of the best arresting firms in the industry, including Paradigm and Andreessen Horowitz, the annular brings the startup’s appraisal to $1.65 billion. The allotment annular comes added than a year afterwards Optimism’s Series A round, which was led by Andreessen Horowitz aftermost February.

Optimism is a Layer 2 ascent band-aid for Ethereum that employs Optimistic Rollups as agency of affective beefy transaction abstracts off the capital blockchain. While it relies on Ethereum’s accord apparatus to ensure its basal security, Optimism is able to advice the arrangement calibration by autumn its blocks aural a special acute contract alleged the Canonical Transaction Chain (CTC).

In a blog post, the aggregation at Optimism claimed to accept cut fees by added than 30% over the aftermost year while absorption abundant of its absorption on accouterment the best developer acquaintance possible. The aggregation additionally claimed to accept adored users over $1 billion in gas fees, with Calldata compression slated to go alive in weeks. The aggregation additionally acclaimed its affairs to accord to EIP-4844. 

In an account with TechCrunch, Optimism’s arch controlling Jinglan Wang said,

“We appetite to be approaching proof, so we’re not closing the doors to the achievability of amalgam a ZK [Ethereum Virtual Machine] bottomward the line. We’re additionally pragmatics, and we don’t appetite our assignment to application always in bookish hell; we appetite bodies to use it.” 

Optimism has lagged Arbitrum, addition Optimistic Rollup solution, in agreement of absolute amount bound by a ample margin. However, Arbitrum has suffered from arrangement outages before. Both Optimism and Arbitrum saw Aave V3 deployments this week. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic BTC, ETH, and several added cryptocurrencies.