Panasonic Partners With LA Non-Profit To Boost Blockchain Scene

Panasonic Partners With LA Non-Profit To Boost Blockchain Scene


There’s a affair of tech minds in Southern California, and companies are noticing.

LA Blockchain Lab on Tuesday appear Panasonic as its founding accumulated partner. The California-based non-profit is a accord amid startups, enterprises, educators, government, and investors who are attractive to transform bounded communities through broadcast balance technology (DLT). Japanese amassed Panasonic has $8 billion in 2024 revenues, and is developing its DLT capabilities.

The non-profit will accretion added opportunities to defended accumulated partnerships and accession funds. According to Nov. 20 statement, the accord will “promote blockchain development in Southern California, and Panasonic will accredit LA Blockchain Lab added accumulated ally for its mission ….” The Japanese tech behemothic will accretion admission to SoCal-area partners, blockchain researchers, job candidates, achievability studies, proof-of-concepts, and added synergies.

Web 3.0 Here We Come

Silicon Valley advisers this year accept conspicuously larboard advantageous jobs at Google, Apple and Facebook to advice blockchain ventures get off the ground. Some 340 afar south on Interstate 5, you’ll acquisition a growing ecosystem of DLT enthusiasts. Benjamin Tsai, co-founder and arch banking administrator of LA Blockchain Lab, told Crypto Briefing:

[Blockchain] in Southern California is actual vibrant…. A cardinal of crypto [and blockchain] platforms, including Brock Pierce’s DNA, Howard Mark’s StartEngine, Science, Wavemaker Genesis (which I am a allotment of) are all based here. We are additionally alive with corporates and government. For example, the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers is absorbed in a hackathon for under-privileged kids. Moreover, the City of Los Angles is absorbed in a “Shark Tank”-style basic adopting event.

This year, Panasonic has fabricated account accompanying to innovation. These accommodate bartering car batteries to Tesla electric vehicles, implementing robotics and automation, and rolling out avant-garde electronics. But chip accumulation chains has become amid the conglomerate’s top priorities, approaching accessible approaching antagonism with IBM Blockchain, Samsung SDS, and added action blockchain providers.

Blockchain is accepted to essentially improve accumulation chain processes, and best companies are attractive to accretion efficiencies in this area. A 2018 study by Panasonic begin that four in bristles “companies see actual able allowances from automation software that simplifies processes.”

From a bounded perspective, Southern California is acceptable a axis of DLT-powered ideas. Getting West Coast acceptance and professionals absorbed is additionally key to absorption the aptitude gap in the high-growth industry.

According to Tsai, “[Los Angeles] is the antecedent of the accomplished bulk of engineers who appear out of universities every year.” America leads the apple in number of blockchain developers at about 27,800 as of Sept. 2018, followed by India at 12,500.

Blockchain apprenticeship is acceptable a thing…

While University of California (UC) at Berkeley and Stanford University accept been aptitude feeders up north, SoCal colleges are all-embracing accompanying class and research. UCLA, CalTech, UC Irvine and USC accept partnered with LA Blockchain Lab to advance DLT tech, brainwash acceptance and professionals, accommodate networking opportunities, and addition engagement.

The result? Innovative account are breeding new practices in age-old industries.

California absolute acreage backdrop are consistently in demand, and startups are attractive to tokenize such assets to lower advance thresholds, abate abrasion in transactions, and to advance liquidity. For example, Aperture/Property Coin “is aggravating to actualize a securitized adaptation of a armamentarium that invests in single-family residences [and other] value-add projects from about the country,” says Tsai. “This allows investors to acquirement a apportioned buying of the armamentarium apery adapted backing of single-family residential projects, while [possibly improving] clamminess on the accessory trade.”

According to Nov. 20 statement, Panasonic and LA Blockchain Lab will co-host a Feb. 2024 accident with business and bounded government admiral alleged “Smart City and Blockchain.” The appointment will altercate real-world applications of blockchain for acute cities and development plans.

The columnist holds agenda assets but none mentioned in this article.