Sex Industry Poised To Penetrate Cryptocurrency

Sex Industry Poised To Penetrate Cryptocurrency


In abounding ways, the sex industry is the absolute use-case for cryptocurrency. Discretion is admired by barter and suppliers alike, who don’t consistently appetite their cogent others, parents, friends, law enforcement, or the accepted accessible alive about their sex lives and predilections.

Pornography abandoned is a $97 billion industry that accounts for 12 percent of Internet traffic. That doesn’t accommodate band clubs ($7 billion industry) or sex toys ($20 billion industry).

Sex assignment is infested with aloofness and acquittal issues, although the industry is historically advanced of the tech curve. In 2013, VIP Passion became the first escort account to acquire Bitcoin, continued afore boilerplate companies like Expedia jumped on the acquittal bandwagon.

In fact, the porn industry was amid the aboriginal to abutment VHS and Blu-Ray, burning cameras, AOL, online payments, and basic reality.

Are cryptocurrency and the blockchain the abutting big technologies to be acquiescently accepted by the sex industry?

We thoroughly researched a scattering of the sex-related cryptos on the bazaar to acquisition out what’s a tissue.

The Growing Sex Industry ICO Market

A cryptocurrency based absolutely on sex isn’t all-important for sex workers to abide anonymous. Many cryptocurrencies – Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Verge are a few – accommodate anonymity. Still, there are over a dozen accepted and awaiting ICOs that baby anon to the sex industry and added developed themes.

PornX – The PornX Project is based on the Lightning Network, and the PornX badge is a decentralized ERC20 badge on the Ethereum blockchain. The presale concluded on Feb 28, and the ICO is set for March 18, with a bendable cap of 10,000 ETH and a absolute accumulation of 340,000,000.

Animation Vision Cash – The AVH trading belvedere is a decentralized agreeable publishing arrangement congenital on the Ethereum blockchain to acquiesce absorb owners to advertise agenda agreeable to peers. The absolute accumulation is 10,000,000,000 tokens, and the accepted bazaar amount as of March 5, 2018 is $0.018281.

Eroiy – Eroiy was advised as an bearding acquittal adjustment to assure customer aloofness back purchasing developed agreeable online. It’s based on the NEM blockchain, and the pre-sale concluded Feb 28, with a bendable cap of $1,000,000 and a absolute accumulation of 2,000,000,000.

Spankchain – Spankchain is congenital on the Ethereum blockchain and is anon targeted at eliminating third-party intermediaries for cam models, as apparent by its Cryptotitties product. As of March 5, there are 300,043,386 SPANKs circulating out of a absolute accumulation of 1,000,000,000 with a bazaar cap of $77,061,643.

TittieCoin – TittieCoin launched in 2014 as a scrypt bread angle of the Bitcoin-Qt client. It aims to be the official bill of (we ambition we were kidding) Tittie Island, an as-yet-undeveloped “luxury resort appearance anniversary destination with timeshare possibilities.” As of March 5, it has a bazaar cap of $1,001,661, a absolute accumulation of 1,259,816,434, and refuses to accretion a AAA rating, cat-and-mouse instead for a coveted DDD Award.

Titcoin – Titcoin is created by developer Joy Toilet, whose aboriginal activity was a bold alleged “Triple X Tycoon.” The company’s ambition is to change the accessible acumen of the developed industry and it has affairs to accommodate Titcoin into Triple X Tycoon soon. It’s an SHA-256 badge with a absolute accumulation of 69,000,000 (we can’t accomplish this bits up) and a bazaar cap of $792,528 as of March 5.

Vice Industry Token – The Vice Industry Badge is an ERC20 badge on the Ethereum belvedere and is advised to pay bodies to watch porn; it is partnered with Penthouse, Red Hot, and more. The ICO ends March 20, and there is a absolute accumulation of 2,000,000,000 VIT with a amount of $0.05 per VIT.

Porn Corn – Pcorn was developed as a added bearding way to accomplish developed affairs for VR, AR, 3D and 8k porn agreeable through the company’s proprietary service. The ICO concluded November 2017. It’s based on the Ethereum blockchain and the absolute accumulation is 1,000,000,000 PCC.

FAPcoin – FAPcoin’s ICO concluded December 2017. It’s an ERC20 badge on the Ethereum blockchain. It promises added defended developed affairs and the absolute accumulation of FAP is 500,000,000 and the accepted amount is $0.003711 per badge as of March 5.

Nocta – Nocta was advised as a decentralized belvedere for advantageous for bearding sex congenital on the Ethereum network. The ICO ends March 23, and the absolute accumulation is 300,000,000. – is a sex and dating account based on the Ethereum blockchain. Its ICO concluded October 2017 and there’s a absolute accumulation of 150,000,000 SSIO on the market.

VanillaPlay – VanillaPlay is a decentralized video babble belvedere that pays agreeable creators, consumers, and affiliates for application its service. It’s congenital on the Ethereum blockchain. The ICO concluded October 2017 and the absolute accumulation is 150,000,000 VPY.

Livestars – Livestars is addition Ethereum-based ERC20 badge directed at alive webcam models. It promises college acquirement shares, no payout minimums, and fast payments. Its ICO concluded Feb 2018 and the absolute accumulation is $200,000,000 LIVE.

SexCoin – Sexcoin is a proprietary scrypt-based bread meant for purchases on the Sexcoin Maid store. The ICO concluded December 2013. There’s a absolute accumulation of 126,238,732 SXC, which currently has a bazaar cap of $4,352,888 as of March 5.

The Legends Room – The Legends Room is the aboriginal band club in Las Vegas to acquire Bitcoin. Dancers use acting QR tattoos to acquire payments, and associates can absorb 5000 LGD for VIP membership. There’s a absolute accumulation of 30,000,000 LGD, with a bazaar cap of $1,773,444 as of March 5.

Intimate – Intimate is addition Ethereum-based badge advised to accommodate anonymity to the sex industry. The badge can be acclimated on the Rendevu escort marketplace and there’s a absolute accumulation of 100,000,000 ITM. It’s currently pre-ICO.

These are the players for now, and added are abiding to accumulation on in the abreast future. Which one you accept seems to depend on which belvedere you adopt and your role (sex worker, consumer, or affiliate).

No sex industry crypto has absolutely affective us by the horn aloof yet, but we’ll be abiding to accumulate advantageous very, very, very, actual abutting attention.