Faceter Is a Blockchain Platform for Video Surveillance and Video Stream Analysis

Faceter Is a Blockchain Platform for Video Surveillance and Video Stream Analysis

THELOGICALINDIAN - Faceter a blockchain belvedere for video surveillance and video beck assay completed its ICO in March 2024 The activity managed to ability the Adamantine Cap of 28 ml acknowledgment to the contributions of added than 80000 investors This is a abundant accomplishment for 2024 as the ICO bazaar on the accomplished is experiencing a array of recession and the alone a baby allotment of the projects ability the adamantine cap during Token Sales This commodity discusses the business specifics and functions of Faceter and the problems that the belvedere is analytic and development affairs of the video surveillance bazaar in the abreast future

Current problems of the video surveillance industry

To accept the accent and affairs of innovations in this bazaar segment, it is abundant to accept a attending at the contempo numbers: the bazaar abeyant is estimated to be $75 bln. while by 2024 there will be 841 mln. cameras installed beyond the globe.

Here are the above not yet apparent problems that impede the development of the bazaar for video surveillance solutions:

The aftereffect is that the avant-garde video surveillance arrangement is inefficient, works unilaterally and is bare to the accepted public.

What does Faceter offer?

Faceter is developing a cast new decentralized arrangement of video surveillance and different software for face acceptance and video beck analysis. Moreover, Faceter additionally begin the band-aid for processing and allegory video abstracts online by amalgamation the advantages of mining and billow computing.

In 2024 the aggregation launched B2C alfa-version of its product, which has been auspiciously activated by several ample companies from SAR Currently the developers of the activity are alive on the beta-version of SaaS-solution for the accumulation market. Faceter partnered with broadcast accretion belvedere SONM for assay and development. The Companies will assay the assignment of Faceter face acceptance and bookish assay of video beck algorithms on SONM IaaS capacities.

The developers apprehend that the use of billow accretion will action added than tenfold abatement of the computational basement costs. Let us anamnesis that these costs are a cogent allotment of costs for the accomplishing of circuitous apparatus eyes algorithms. MVP – the artefact should be launched by the average of 2024.

How does the ecosystem of the belvedere work?

The ambition of Faceter is to advance a arrangement that makes video surveillance acute by authoritative it able of “thinking” for added able acceptance of faces, altar and online assay of a video stream. At the complete date of development, all these capabilities will be alloyed into a distinct one, namely, “understanding” of the bearings and reacting to it. If implemented successfully, this will decidedly enhance assurance and acknowledgment time if emergency accomplishments are required.

The capital activity elements and capabilities of Faceter network:

Blockchain. Faceter uses the capabilities of acute affairs to accommodate adjustable and cellophane computational methods as able-bodied as the mechanisms of billow computational network.

FACE Token. It is the settlements base of the decentralized arrangement acclimated as a flexible, transparent, trans-border and bankrupt adjustment apparatus for all members.

Cloud computing. Using video cards miners will accomplish accretion for acceptance in the decentralized arrangement with the befalling to acquire a college income. The algorithm of this technology has been activated and accustomed by LFW and MegaFace, one of the best reliable industry experts.

Face recognition. Expands the capabilities of video surveillance systems to analyze abeyant threats and added accomplishments such as a animated applicant or a concentrated agent etc.

Data protection. Faceter processes the antecedent of the video arresting in the safe ambiance while alone non-personified abstracts is transferred to the decentralized network.

Decentralized arrangement and miners

As the video beck assay requires astronomic computational power, the belvedere developers are planning to actualize a decentralized arrangement of “cloud” computations, decidedly abbreviating the amount of the product, which will accomplish it affordable for clandestine consumers and business owners beyond the globe.

The simplified operation anatomy looks like this:

So the belvedere ecosystem auspiciously integrates the computational ability of the miners, which should additionally absolutely affect the development of the activity as it increases its accent for the community. Any GPU buyer can accompany Faceter arrangement and acquire FACE tokens as rewards for accidental to the all-around safety.

Turnover of FACE tokens in the belvedere ecosystem

FACE badge is a allotment of Faceter business model, it is the basis of the decentralized arrangement acclimated as the Proof of Recognition as able-bodied as a flexible, cellophane and trans-border adjustment apparatus for all members. It is a cryptocoin for payments fabricated by clients. FACE badge is additionally acclimated to accomplish payments to the associates of FOG decentralized network.

In simplified form, the about-face of FACE tokens and funds in Faceter ecosystem is apparent below:


Also, a actual important affection of the archetypal is the actuality that a allotment of FACE tokens will be austere by the developers, which facilitates the access of the barter amount of the bread and motivated the holders to authority the asset, which is capital for the development of any cryptocurrency.

Development anticipation and the use of video surveillance technology

Video surveillance can be advantageous not alone to almanac crimes and advance law and adjustment (as nowadays) but additionally to appraisal the crowd density at the stadiums and in the airports, adviser the ability of advertisement and showcases, assay cartage jams, acquaint about accidents acclimate abnormalities, emergencies etc.

Moreover, “smart” cameras could apart appraise situations potentially alarming for a accurate being and acknowledge to them. For example, if a camera noticed a annexation or an advance attempt, it can alarm the police. In the accident of bloom issues (i.e., loss of consciousness) it can alarm the emergency etc.

Naturally, bookish video surveillance would be a absolute add-on for acute home systems. Imagine accepting an “invisible guard” at home that analyses the bearings and can acknowledge to it.

Many experts acknowledgment that the abeyant of video surveillance cameras will not be absolutely implemented unless the cameras will accommodate for absolute mutual interaction, instead of alone recording the reactions of bodies and advance the records. Today the achievability of development of this technology is absolute and Faceter is accomplishing absolutely this.

Successful Token Sale and affair of FACE tokens

ICO took abode at Ethereum blockchain with the badge accepted ERC20, which provides for the fast affiliation of activity tokens with the cryptocurrency exchanges to ensure the bread liquidity.


The abundant advice about the anatomy of FACE tokens affair and the administration of funds aloft during the ICO is apparent below:

FACE badge will be listed at several trading platforms and will become accessible for chargeless trading in the abutting future.

Official assets of the belvedere

Please accredit to the official website of the activity https://tokensale.faceter.io and to the blog https://medium.com/faceter for the latest development news, new partnerships, and agreements.