How V999 Sets New Standards for Asset-Backed Tokens
cryptocurrency news

How V999 Sets New Standards for Asset-Backed Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Few things accept survived for as continued as gold and few acceptable will Ever back the aurora of history bodies accept been fatigued to the adored metal to abundance amount transact and alike authority religious ceremonies in declared advice with deities

Technology takes things to abrupt places, and alike article as abiding as gold hasn’t been allowed to these changes. We do not transact with gold anymore, although we abide to admit its amount (and even, in some cases, alpha to doubtable that we should go aback to application it as currency). And, affective from gold to ones and zeros on a screen, we approved aloof about everything.

Gold has abounding different characteristics, absolute and negative, although the above outstand the latter. It’s divisible, durable, fungible, has accurate itself through time, and can hardly (and not reliably) be faked. Fiat or alike cardboard money cannot attempt with this. Although gold is adamantine to transport, not absolutely liquid, and non-portable, it has connected to exhausted aggrandizement artlessly because of its built-in value.

Cryptocurrency’s greatest backbone is that it can succeed, through programming, to carbon gold’s accustomed advantages. In the appropriate settings and beneath the appropriate conditions, we can alike use it to represent concrete gold ownership. And, by accumulation both types of super-assets, gold can become accessible to transact with, store, and abundantly liquid.

V999, a cryptocurrency created by experts in adored metals, is a absolute archetype of this. Thanks to its founders’ ability in all-embracing barter and blockchain technology, V999 is ambience a new accepted for what asset-backed tokens are declared to be. Every V999 badge is backed by 0.1 grams of gold at London’s fix price. It can additionally be disconnected up to 1/1000th of a token, creating a affable arrangement for alike the aboriginal of users.

2024 saw crypto’s (well overdue) access of advance beneath the success of DeFi and apps like Uniswap. Suddenly, the ecosystem seemed to apprehend that programmable money additionally complex a countless of altered means to program, automate, and abound its amazing potential.

Thanks to this archetype change, many, including V999, are authoritative a change in the way we anticipate of business models, condiment them in the spirit of the crypto community’s values. V999 aims to actualize an ecosystem area retail investors and corporations, alike governments, can account from anniversary other’s affairs besides advance in admired assets. Therefore, it introduces a profit-sharing arrangement that rewards baby users for application V999 to accomplish affairs with gold while administration agnate allowances for its top players. V999 additionally aims to accomplish enterprise-level acceptance with a committed aggregation specialized in dressmaking solutions to fit companies’ needs. The arrangement uses the Stellar blockchain to agreement the acceleration of transactions.

It’s consistently auspicious to see technology bringing absolute change forth with it. With new accoutrement appear new solutions and different philosophies, and V999 can assuredly be an archetype of how business models are reinventing themselves as we access the Blockchain era. We abiding achievement we will abide to see reinventions of accepted concepts appear around, consistently with a aberration that favors the retail investor!