Obscure Cryptocurrency Mindol Pumps its Way Up Market Cap Rankings, But Why?
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Obscure Cryptocurrency Mindol Pumps its Way Up Market Cap Rankings, But Why?

THELOGICALINDIAN - CoinMarketCap is aback assuming a littleknown cryptocurrency as the 17th better by bazaar capitalisation Mindol MIN is an abstruse activity allegedly aiming to advance Japanese beatnik culture

There has been little annual appear that ability annual for the ballsy amount assets the agenda asset has apparent over the aftermost few weeks. This has acquired bazaar assemblage to achieve that the amount runs are annihilation but an allegedly ample pump-and-dump.

Cryptocurrency Mindol Surges into Top 20: The Next Big Thing or Pump and Dump?

If you appointment accepted cryptocurrency bazaar capitalisation allegory website CoinMarketCap today, you will acceptable be afraid at the top 20 assets listed. In 17th position, afterwards accepting added than 20 percent in the aftermost 24-hours, is Mindol (MIN).

Observers accept been larboard abrading their active at the abrupt amount surge. The cryptocurrency traded at beneath than 30c aloof weeks ago. Around November 6, it started pumping in a alternation of aberrant moves that accept taken the amount to an best aerial of $4.80. At the time of writing, it is trading shy of this at $3.98. According to CoinMarketCap, MIN’s bazaar is now added than $724,000,000.


MIN has overtaken accepted projects such as Chainlink, NEO, and IOTA. It has apparent best of its contempo trading aggregate at abstruse venues such as Coinall and CoinTiger.

Mindol is a cryptocurrency that was reportedly started to advance Japanese “geek culture”. Holders of the cryptocurrency will reportedly be able to admission agreeable created through assorted projects, participate in agreeable creation, and appear Japanese subculture events.

On its website, the aggregation lists assorted anime and video bold projects that it was reportedly complex with. However, according to the cryptocurrency’s Twitter account, projects associated with Mindol were put on aperture in December 2018. Last month, the aggregation abaft MIN acquaint the following, ancillary with the alpha of the contempo amount pump.

The aloft column states that Mindol will allotment beginning capacity of the projects it is alive on soon. However, over a ages on from the antecedent post, there has been no amend via either the Twitter annual or the project’s official website.

The sudden, aberrant amount changes, which alter badly from barter to exchange, accept acquired some assemblage to affirmation Mindol to be annihilation added than a pump and dump sceheme.

Others say that the amount pump defies all logic. Satoshi Watch (@blockchainghost) accent the project’s chiffon whitepaper, calling Mindol the “worst of the affliction debris the crypto avenue has produced.”


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