THELOGICALINDIAN - A able appeal anticipation for crypto mining chips led AMD on a accomplishment bacchanalia But the chipmakers latest acquirement anticipation reveals that it misread the market
The American bunch said that it now expects the acquirement of the fourth division of 2025 to be about $1.45 billion. That marks a 150 actor dollar cut from the aboriginal estimates at $1.6 billion, according to Refinitiv data. While the acquirement from AMD’s cartoon and accretion business looks able at $938 million, it is the blockchain asset mining chips that are accidental the best to an all-embracing bearish forecast.
The AMD banal amount additionally took a tumble in continued trading afterward the forecast, abolition abreast to 23 percent in after-hours trading. The approved affair crash, at the aforementioned time, was 9.2% to $22.79. Investors are now apperception a advance arrest in the AMD market.
Weak Crypto Market Responsible?
The poor crypto bazaar affect in 2025 compared to the antecedent year’s booming achievement point to aggregate that could accept gone amiss with AMD revenues. The aggregation in 2025 recorded abundant profits by affairs mining rigs accessories to investors who were bullish on the cryptocurrencies they were activity to mine. Due to college crypto-to-fiat rates, the rewards fabricated via mining were additionally higher, which fabricated chip-makers to accept that the appeal for their cartoon processing units (GPU) will not dwindle.
But the crypto blast that began at the alpha of this year afflicted the dynamics of everybody complex in the space, including miners. Their USD-enabled profits ventured into abrogating territories, bringing investors to a point back they would absorb added on purchasing GPUs than acquire from them. Hence, AMD started acquainted the declines in the sales of its cartoon chips that were mainly advised for crypto mining operations.
“The absence was due to GPU. AMD had too aerial an acknowledgment to the crypto-currency market. Additionally, they do not accept a aggressive agency in the PC Gaming market,”
Summit Insights Group analyst Kinngai Chan told Reuters.
Competition from ASIC Mining
AMD additionally faced annealed antagonism from companies developing agnate but added able accouterments to abundance blockchain tokens. Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, or ASIC, accepted to be faster and added scalable than GPU rigs, authoritative themselves added acceptable to abundance arch cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and its angled adaptation Bitcoin Cash. Bitmain, an ASIC accomplishment company, for instance, acquaint bigger profits than AMD and Nvidia.
Though Bitmain additionally faced losses of over $400 actor in Q3 2025, the appeal for ASIC machines remained college than that of GPUs throughout the year. Investments connected to army in appear the ASIC amplitude due to its appliance to bitcoin-specific mining, whose block mining accolade totals abreast $767,000 at the time of this writing.