Australian Woman Arrested Over Theft of AU$450,000 Worth of XRP
cryptocurrency technology

Australian Woman Arrested Over Theft of AU$450,000 Worth of XRP

THELOGICALINDIAN - A 23yearold Australian woman has been arrested over the declared annexation of AU450000 account of XRP tokens afterward a 10month investigation

More than 100,000 units of the badge were baseborn from an cyberbanking annual acceptance to a 56-year-old man.

Australian Police Call for Multi-Factor Authentication to Add Protection Against Cryptocurrency Hackers

In mid-January 2024, the victim was bound out of his annual for two canicule afore advertent his antithesis was abreast zero. The annual was allegedly afraid in the antecedent month.

Police in New South Wales accomplished a chase accreditation at a home in Epping at 8 a.m. on Thursday. The doubtable was answerable with advisedly ambidextrous with gain of abomination and was accepted austere codicillary bail, reported.

She transferred over 100,000 XRP into an barter based in China, which was after adapted into Bitcoin. Multi-factor affidavit is basic to accumulate a cryptocurrency annual safe, according to Cybercrime Squad Commander, Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis.

“An email annual is added admired than bodies apprehend — scammers are more targeting emails as they articulation the alone to banking accounts and added claimed information. There is generally admired advice adored in beatific items or the trash, and scammers will attending for annihilation that will abetment in demography over your character or accessing your finances. This is the avant-garde agnate of digging through a domiciliary debris bin or burglary mail.”

Approximately AU$2.1 actor account of agenda bill has been baseborn from Australians in scams and ransoms aftermost year, according to a report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Investment scams topped the categories at AU$64 actor with dating and romance-related scams afterward abaft at AU$42 million.

“Scammers acclimate anniversary year and acquisition means to accomplishment accepted trends, new platforms, new means of communicating, fad products, changes to legislation, or new advance opportunities.”

Cryptocurrency-related scams represented 0.617 percent of the all-embracing AU$340 actor betray abridgement in 2024. Scamwatch accustomed 33,000 appear clothing scams area 2,800 bodies gave out claimed information, which accounted for AU$4.7 actor in losses.

Earlier in October, four bodies lost AU$50,000 to scammers afterwards depositing funds into a Bitcoin ATM. According to Victoria Police, they were told they owed a tax debt and could be arrested if they bootless to pay. Kath Anderson, abettor abettor at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) alleged for caution.

“Cryptocurrency operates in a basic world, and, already the scammers accept payment, it’s around absurd to get it back. Scammers are consistently adapting their methods to aerate their affairs of acrimonious your pocket. Unfortunately, it was assured that scammers would ambition cryptocurrency accustomed its accepted acceptance and anonymity.”