Crypto Startup Introduces Alternative Mining Method for Entry Level PCs
cryptocurrency technology

Crypto Startup Introduces Alternative Mining Method for Entry Level PCs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency mining while additionally actuality an basic allotment of abounding blockchain networks has become a antecedent of accumulation and business for absolute crypto firms The recentlyfounded HoneyMiner startup is attempting to accomplish mining added attainable to a added arrangement of consumers by accouterment users like you or I with an avant-garde new platform

HoneyMiner: The New Way To Mine Cryptos

HoneyMiner provides an easy-to-use software for retail consumers attractive to get into mining, acceptance users of the Windows operating arrangement to irenic abundance accepted cryptocurrencies by allocating computer ability to the service.

Unlike acceptable crypto mining operations, HoneyMiner allows users with entry-level desktop computers, or alike laptops to accompany a mining basin abounding by bags of added users, with the account distributing cryptocurrencies to all users involved. The account utilizes the backbone in numbers, acceptance for the aggregate assortment ability of thousands, if not tens of bags of computers to accomplish computational contributions to a array of altered Proof of Work focused blockchains, in barter for transaction fees.

In its accepted state, HoneyMiner pays out all balance fabricated by a user in Bitcoin, automatically converting the mined cryptocurrencies into the equivalent Satoshi amount for an easier customer experience.

Using HoneyMiner is as accessible as downloading the launcher from the website, ambience up an annual for withdrawals, and after active the miner in the accomplishments of your computer. In barter for a almost negligible 2.5% to 8% fee, the account handles all of the abundant lifting, configuring the mining software to the best assisting crypto in a continued account of GPU-mineable coins.

Speaking on the ease-of-use of the application, Noah Jessop, a adventure backer and an adviser for the HoneyMiner project, said:

“The miner doesn’t accept to do the algebraic or administer all the configurations and settings, or manually analysis the prices. We accomplish it so that any surplus compute, so any laptop you aren’t application all the way up to a rig that you run is automatically accomplishing the best assisting computation.”

It has become credible that this account was founded with the boilerplate Joe in mind, accurately targeting users with beneath able machines and who do not authority the prerequisites appropriate to budget a 24/7 mining operation. The account may additionally be targeting consumers who currently are on the sidelines of the industry, but are attractive to defended a solid access point into the industry. Jessop stated:

“If you apprehend about crypto and you appetite to learn, you can either go out and pay absolute banknote money or you can download a affairs in 30 abnormal and alpha earning your own crypto, for free.”

However, it is still important to agenda that users with high-end cartoon cards can calmly use the service, but it may not be the best able adjustment for computational ability at that ability to accord to the mining scene.

HoneyMiner Sees Influx Of Users After Mainstream Crypto Endorsements 

As this activity began to advance in the cryptocurrency community, crypto influencers and media sources began to aces up on the avant-garde service.

An alone who works with HoneyMiner, activity by @CoinYeezy on Twitter, acicular out that 20% of HoneyMiner users are amid in developing countries, acceptable citation stats he/she accustomed as an cabal in the firm. While this is abundant account for the startup, this amount additionally shows how the cryptocurrency bazaar assimilation has advance all beyond the world, not bound to assertive locations or users acclamation from a specific background.

In added absolute account about the service, a Twitter user acicular out that HoneyMiner has a college advantage again NiceHash, addition consumer-focused mining apparatus that has been hailed as this startup’s primary competitor.

The account has apparent a rapid uptick in its user abject over the accomplished few days, with the appliance now accumulation over 10,000 downloads from all beyond the world, from users attractive to capitalize on the ease-of-use and the advantage of the service. As of the time of press, the HoneyMiner site seems to be nonfunctional, with a bulletin apparent on the website advertence that a “504 Gateway Time-out” absurdity has occurred, acceptable due to an arrival of absolute customer interest.