Greek Top Court Grants Moscow’s Request for Extradition of Crypto Hacker Vinnik
cryptocurrency technology

Greek Top Court Grants Moscow’s Request for Extradition of Crypto Hacker Vinnik

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Supreme Court of Greece has accomplished a accommodation in the case apropos the displacement of Russian cryptocurrency able Alexander Vinnik according to his lawyer

The doubtable was arrested in Greece on July 25, 2024, and back then, the U.S., France, and Russia accept been against their appropriate to booty him into custody.

Vinnik is Linked to Russia Election Meddling

The court’s ruling, which will be fabricated accessible abutting week, orders the Greek authorities to duke him over to Russia. The resolution goes adjoin what the U.S. prosecutors had in apperception back they asked Greece’s law administration to apprehend Vinnik on area of arch the BTC-e exchange.

The abettor is allegedly abaft the money bed-making of $9 billion for bent enterprises, including hacking assemblage Fancy Bear, which is accused of actuality complex in burglary and absolution the Democratic Party’s emails. There are now four cloister rulings: one in favor of the U.S., addition for France, and two decisions on his displacement to Russia. The final say may go to Greece’s amends minister.

The adventure of Alexander Vinnik’s displacement adventure has apparent a cardinal of aback and forths. The doubtable was aboriginal arrested on a U.S.-issued all-embracing warrant, accurately for 21 counts of money laundering. The U.S.’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) appear a $110 actor amends adjoin BTC-e, which included a $12 actor amends for Vinnik.

Following a failed assassination attempt on Vinnik while he was confined and a address for cover alone by Greece, which he appealed, France was able to accept the court rule in its favor. The French accused him of defrauding bags of bodies common and about 100 French nationals as able-bodied as of bed-making about $155 actor with Bitcoin. The defense, however, filed an address with the Greek Supreme Court. Vinnik claimed that France was aloof addition articulation for his displacement to the U.S.

Russia additionally alleged for his displacement to face cyber artifice charges. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked to be accustomed antecedence over France’s and that may accept been the case. Vinnik additionally asked the cloister board to aphorism in favor of Russia. The hacker was bright about his animosity appear the U.S. and France acknowledged system, he told TASS.

“I do not admit these affected charges. Russia will array aggregate out to actuate whether or not I am guilty, while France and the U.S. will not be able to do so, as there is no amends there.”

U.S. prosecutors doubtable Russia’s affirmation to Vinnik’s displacement serves alone the purpose of attention accompaniment secrets from actuality appear in the Mueller investigation. His insights could be highly valuable to the probe, as able-bodied as aggressive to Russia’s affirmation of innocence.