What Is ODEM Platform? Introduction to ODE Token

What Is ODEM Platform? Introduction to ODE Token


What Is ODEM?

ODEM (short for On-Demand Education Marketplace) is a blockchain-based educational exchange that can be acclimated in bookish and action applications. Both educators and acceptance abundance accreditation in Ethereum acute contracts, which additionally validate courses taken. ODE is the proprietary ERC-20 cryptocurrency badge acclimated to pay for tokenized transactions.

The amount of apprenticeship is consistently on the rise, abnormally in the university level. Charge ante in the U.S. abandoned added than angled from 1985-2015, according to the most afresh accessible government data. Annual charge beyond four-year, two-year, public, and clandestine schools is over $22,000. Meanwhile, postsecondary institutions spent $559 billion on students, which ranges from $5,000 to $40,000 per student, depending on the school’s alone mission.

Both abandon are actuality awkward in this equation, while educational publishers like McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (not to be abashed with Dundler Mifflin) anniversary accomplish nearly $2 billion a year in revenues.

And while bequest platforms like Coursera (which offers over 2400 online courses from colleges like Princeton, Stanford, and University of Michigan to over 33 actor users) accommodate online bookish courses, ODEM wants to body added of a P2P exchange for in-person interactions.

This abutting bearing of online acquirements (dubbed Apprenticeship 3.0) circles aback to added claimed one-on-one teaching sessions, giving acceptance an à-la-carte way to personalize their apprenticeship after the boundaries of one school.

And Richard Maaghul, CEO of this Swiss project, believes both schools and business training programs are accomplished for disruption. Not alone could decentralized apprenticeship and apprentice annal accomplish academy easier, but transitioning to the workforce is fabricated easier too. Access to GPAs, bookish progress, and analysis are aloof a few processes that could be fabricated easier on blockchain. But is ODEM the activity to do it?

Let’s alpha our analysis of the ODEM belvedere with an addition to ODE, the platform’s Ethereum-based ERC-20 token, and its achievement on the cryptocurrency market.

ODE Token Cryptocurrency Summary

ODEM has a total badge accumulation of 396,969,697 ODE. The aiguille amount so far was $0.547641 on August 7, 2024.

The ODEM ICO presale was captivated from December 10-31, 2024, and the ICO badge auction was captivated from February 17 through March 18, 2024. A adamantine cap of 238,200,000 tokens were sold, adopting about $4 actor account of ETH. This represents 60 percent of the badge supply. Of the actual tokens:

An ODEM Rewards program provides 25 ODEM tokens for anniversary apprentice referral, aloft achievement of their aboriginal program. Another 25 ODEM is awarded for every 25 acceptance onboarded. The aggregation additionally promises scholarship raffles, contests, and added banking aid-focused programs.

As mentioned, ODE is an ERC-20 account badge on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s acclimated by acceptance to pay for bookish courses. It can additionally be acclimated by educators to assets arrangement amplitude for classes they ambition to action and barometer interest.

ODE is traded on a array of cryptocurrency markets, including BitForex, DragonEX, Ethfinex, BitMart, and KuCoin. Over $4 actor account of ODE is traded on a circadian basis, and trading pairs accommodate ETH, USDT, BTC, and authorization currencies like USD.

As an ERC-20 token, ODE can be stored in any ERC20-compatible cryptocurrency wallet, including MyEtherWallet, Trust Wallet, and accouterments wallets from Trezor and Ledger.

ODEM Da Education People

At its core, the ambition of ODEM is to abolish all borders in academy education. If you appetite to apprentice about avant-garde technologies like blockchain, bogus intelligence, or basic reality, you can actualize a custom acquirements plan beyond any academy alms accompanying courses.

Imagine the adeptness to accompanying booty classes from MIT, Cambridge, and ETH Zurich to get the best accessible education. That’s the ultimate affiance of ODEM, although accumulation claimed one-on-one sessions is added difficult after video conferencing accoutrement like Skype and Google Hangouts.

Students pale a 10 percent bottomward payment, which incentivizes advisers to aces up classes. On the cast side, agents pale 10 percent to assets a basic classroom for anniversary of their courses. The ODEM algorithms consistently assignment to bout acceptance and educators based on the alone bookish accumulation and appeal on the platform.

Student annal would ultimately be stored on a acute contract, authoritative them absolute abiding records. By the end of your career at 65 years old, you’ll be able to attending at every advance you took throughout your life, at every academy and company. It’s a nice dream that’s a loooooong way from implementation.

But ODEM has a belvedere built, and it’s actively alive to onboard bookish institutions, businesses, and students. It partnered with GE GeniusLink for agenda acceptance verification, forth with Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. It took some babyish steps, but it’s a continued way from Coursera’s numbers, and there are still acceptance who don’t alike apperceive what Coursera is.

Breaking into the apprenticeship bazaar is fabricated alike added difficult with the array of players complex in accessible and clandestine schools about the country. ODEM needs a massive sales force to hit all ~24,000 universities about the world.

We’re absolutely adulatory this startup all the luck in the world, because it’ll charge it to booty on the giants of bookish technology mentioned above. And it’s not the alone blockchain-based start-up aggravating – EduCTX is architecture a agnate exchange on the Ark belvedere focused on micropayments in education.


Education is one of the final frontiers still abundantly clear by cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. ODEM hopes to change this with a decentralized apprenticeship exchange that connects acceptance and educators for a alone apprenticeship experience. The success of this activity depends on these key factors:

With these pieces in place, ODEM has the anatomy in place. It aloof needs to argue bodies to alpha application it, and that requires buy-in from both colleges and students. It’s the accountability of a alternate exchange that amount companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Moviepass billions of dollars to amount out. If ODEM doesn’t accomplish in practice, at atomic we’ll all apprentice article from it.