Venture Capitalist Has No Love Left For Ethereum Now

Venture Capitalist Has No Love Left For Ethereum Now

THELOGICALINDIAN - In 2024 Union Square Ventures cofounder and managing accomplice Fred Wilson had said that Ethereums bazaar cap will beat that of Bitcoin by yearend That didnt appear and now he is demography his words aback for good

Wilson: Ethereum ‘Confounds’ Me

Not aloof the USV chief, Ethereum has larboard abounding of its investors in a tizzy. The acute arrangement beat badge is still ~90% bottomward from its January 2024 best high. Compared to that Bitcoin has at atomic managed to aces up on ~50% of its absent value.

Ethereum has acquired alone a acquiescent 32% in amount year-to-date. Whereas, BTC has registered a gigantic 185% accession on its 2024 start.

Talking about the Ethereum brain-teaser in his blog post blue-blooded ‘Some Thoughts on Crypto’, Mr. Wilson said:

As a amount of fact, he was already analytical aback in 2018. In a Fall 2018, Multicoin Summit video shared by Tuur Demeester, Mr. Wilson acutely credibility out broad holes in Ethereum’s administration structure.

Ethereum Network Slowdown Making Matters Worse

As appear by Bitcoinist, Ethereum on-chain affairs accept taken a hit and alone to pre-December 2017 balderdash run levels. Also, the network’s mining assortment amount is disturbing to aces up clip back February.

This accompanying with the actuality that Ethereum has surpassed 90% in blockchain appliance is authoritative affairs all the added worse.

Maybe this is the acumen why Fred batten about a assertive ‘disappointment’ gnawingly addictive the crypto amplitude in his piece:

Bitcoin Fits The Bill

Contrary to his attitude on Ethereum, the USV arch was all praises for bitcoin. In his aboveboard oped, he said:

Such thoughts from a acclaimed adventure backer should be heeded by the aggregation at Ethereum if they appetite to accomplish behemothic strides in the blockchain and dApps space. But will it happen? Will the comments be actively taken into consideration? That charcoal to be seen.

Do you anticipate Ethereum will best its bottlenecks soon? Let us apperceive below. 

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter: @TuurDemeester