More Bitcoin Exchanges Fall Victim to Banking Problems

More Bitcoin Exchanges Fall Victim to Banking Problems

THELOGICALINDIAN - Following Bitfinexs advertisement to attenuate authorization deposits added bitcoin exchanges are accepting the aforementioned affair The added trading platforms accept additionally disabled admission USD wire transfers citation coffer annual and agent coffer problems

Also read: Bitfinex’s Problems Pile Up: Deposits Disabled, Withdrawals Delayed

Deposit Problem Spreading to Other Exchanges

Bitfinex is not the alone bitcoin barter which has disabled authorization deposits. The bitcoin exchange Btc-e has also announced on Twitter that it is not accepting U.S. dollar wire transfers until the end of the month, citation a coffer annual problem.

More Bitcoin Exchanges Fall Victim to Banking ProblemsThe Chinese exchange, Okcoin, is additionally reportedly accepting the aforementioned issue. A Reddit user acquaint a bulletin allegedly displayed on the user’s annual advertence that U.S. dollar deposits accept been briefly abeyant back Wednesday “because of the issues with agent banks.” The advertisement added reads: “Please do not accomplish added drop as your affairs may be alone by agent banks. We are now actively attractive for alternatives to resume drop as anon as possible.”

A few added cryptocurrency casework and money account businesses are reportedly encountering the aforementioned botheration as well.

Third Party Banks “De-Risking”

Intermediary banks and contributor banks are third affair banks. The terms are sometimes acclimated interchangeably. Regardless of any slight differences, they both facilitate all-embracing armamentarium transfers as able-bodied as transaction settlements.

More Bitcoin Exchanges Fall Victim to Banking ProblemsWhen Bitfinex filed a accusation adjoin Wells Fargo, it was revealed that Wells Fargo was acting as a contributor coffer for the Taiwan-based banks which Bitfinex uses.

Big banks accept been accepted to “de-risk” contributor cyberbanking relationships that are advised aerial accident for their businesses. It is a accepted problem. According to the World Bank, “this accident abstention would about action on a broad basis, after a case-by-case appraisal of the accident associated with alone customers, or the country or arena involved, or as a aftereffect of an assay advertence that the business accord as a accomplished was no best profitable.” Therefore, it would not be aberrant for a coffer such as Wells Fargo to bisect its contributor cyberbanking relationships with added Bitcoin businesses in the aforementioned way it did with Bitfinex.

Taiwan Banks Tightening AML Requirements

Following Wells Fargo’s de-risking accommodation which alone afflicted approachable wires, Bitfinex informed barter that all its admission affairs will be “blocked and refused” by its Taiwan banks.

According to an article by Whalecalls, banks in Taiwan did not ahead accept austere AML/KYC requirements, but they were abundant to accede with U.S. regulations. However, the U.S. has afresh revised these requirements. The U.S. Department of Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Fincen) is now requiring businesses operating as a money transmitter to address any apprehensive activities. “A address charge be filed back a transaction that is conducted by, at or through the MSB [money account business] is both: suspicious, and $2,000 or more,” Fincen wrote on its website. Bitcoin exchanges are classified as money transmitters, according to the agency.

While the U.S. has anchored its ascendancy over activities of money transmitters, Taiwan additionally has its own calendar back it comes to ramping up its AML/KYC efforts. On March 16, the Taiwanese government established an appointment to action money bed-making to advice body a added cellophane and alike banking environment, according to Focus Taiwan publication.

It additionally aims to beef up “money bed-making blockage afore the third appraisal annular of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Bed-making (APG) abutting year,” the advertisement appear the country’s Premier Lin Chuan saying, abacus that Taiwan is currently on the APG watch list.

In August aftermost year, the New York State’s Department of Banking Services (DFS) fined Taiwan’s Mega Bank US$180 actor “for its poor acquiescence practices, afterwards anecdotic ‘a cardinal of apprehensive transactions’ amid the bank’s New York and Panama branches,” the advertisement added details. The Taiwanese Deputy Justice Minister Tsai Pi-Chung again acclaimed that this adventure damaged the believability of Taiwan’s banking activities worldwide, which should be rectified.

Bitcoin exchanges’ drop problems started anon afterwards the Taiwanese regulators set up the AML office. While U.S banks are de-risking and Taiwan is bent to achieve its credibility, so that it is taken off the APG watch list, the bearings is attractive austere for any bitcoin exchanges application banks in Taiwan.

What do you anticipate bitcoin exchanges should do? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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