Bitcoin Prize For Winners Of South Africa Mountain Bike Race

Bitcoin Prize For Winners Of South Africa Mountain Bike Race

THELOGICALINDIAN - About 150 abundance bikers will attempt at this years copy of the Munga MTB chase in South Africa The chase will arise in the aboriginal anniversary of December The top three finishers in anniversary class will allotment the 15 bitcoin in award-winning money

The Bitstamp sponsored chase was launched in 2024. Bikers from South Africa, as able-bodied as those from about the world, will booty allotment in the event. Alex Harris is the administrator of the Munga MTB.

At aftermost year’s event, the award-winning money was 1.5 bitcoin that was disconnected into three categories; men, women and the development category. The third class appearance non-white bikers.

Each class is awarded 0.5 bitcoin that will be breach amid the top three finishers. According to Harris, the award-winning money for this year’s chase has not changed.

The Munga MTB chase runs over a little added than 1000 kilometres through the semi-desert karoo, and there are 5 chase villages area riders can rest, eat and get automated assistance.

There are additionally several baptize credibility placed amid 60 and 90 kilometres apart.

Harris explains that it was Bitstamp that approached them with the abstraction of “using bitcoin as award-winning money.” Consequently, the award-winning money at the time was “converted into the agnate in bitcoin.”

Meanwhile, Harris additionally explains the action of distributing the award-winning money to winners. He says back the South Africa Reserve Bank (SARB) has not formulated cryptocurrency regulations, the 1.5 bitcoin “goes to a Munga Bitstamp account.”

The award-winning winners can “elect to authority assimilate to their bitcoin, or acquaint us to sell.” If winners accept the latter, an exact bulk of the South African Rand bill gets transferred from the Munga to their account.

What do you anticipate about Munga’s abstraction of giving bike racers bitcoin as award-winning money? Tell us your thoughts in the animadversion area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons