How to Create Custom SLP Tokens With the Mint

How to Create Custom SLP Tokens With the Mint

THELOGICALINDIAN - On January 17 Bitcoincom CEO Stefan Rust alien the companys new SLP minting appliance The Bitcoincom Mint is a noncustodial web wallet that allows users to abundance bitcoin banknote BCH and Simple Ledger Protocol SLP tokens In accession to the portfolio capabilities the Mint gives anyone the adeptness to actualize their own customized SLP tokens in beneath than a minute afterwards they add a tiny atom of BCH

Also read: Crypto Employment Abounds With More Than 8,000 Jobs in 2020’s SLP Minting Service

During the aftermost day of the North American Bitcoin Conference Miami, CEO Stefan Rust gave a allocution on how the cryptocurrency industry can actualize new markets with an array of tools. Rust acclaimed that the Simple Ledger Protocol, congenital on Bitcoin Cash, was growing by leaps and bound back the activity launched in 2018. He additionally mentioned how bodies were angled anniversary added with SLP-based spice, honks, and beers and how some of these tokens acquired absolute bazaar amount and eventually were listed on arresting exchanges.

After discussing the growing SLP acceptance and infrastructure, Rust clearly appear’s new Mint. The account allows anyone to abundance BCH and a portfolio of SLP tokens application the noncustodial web wallet. Further, with a baby atom of bitcoin cash, anyone application the Mint can actualize custom SLP tokens in a amount of no time at all. In adjustment to accord our readers an addition to the new Mint, the afterward is a step-by-step adviser on how to use the web wallet, abundance a few SLP tokens and actualize a custom badge as well.

Using the Web Wallet and Minting SLP Tokens

The aboriginal affair to do is arch to the website and there’s a tab that lets you actualize a web wallet and addition advantage that allows you to acceptation an absolute wallet. The folio lets you apperceive that the Mint is an open-source, noncustodial web wallet. It should be acclaimed that web wallets are for accessibility and autumn ample amounts of money on a web wallet is not recommended.

In adjustment to actualize an SLP badge and accelerate them, a tiny atom of BCH is bare aural the web wallet. For this experiment, you can drop as little as $0.05 to get started with’s Mint. In adjustment to alpha a beginning wallet artlessly columnist “create” and in beneath than 30 abnormal a new BCH and SLP wallet is created. Following the wallet creation, you can aback up your wallet with the catchword berry byword amid in the “configure” area on the larboard sidebar.

After account the berry bottomward in private, you can again drop a nickel’s account of BCH in the wallet by sending some funds to the bitcoin banknote address. The BCH and SLP abode is consistently amid on the basal larboard of the screen, but you can additionally acquisition an abode in the portfolio area as well. In adjustment to drop some BCH into the web wallet, the Mint will accord you a scannable QR cipher for the BCH abode and you can additionally archetype and adhesive the clear abode argument as well.

How to Create Custom SLP Tokens With the Mint

I scanned the QR cipher and deposited $0.05 or 0.00014097 BCH into my web wallet for this experiment. The wallet noticed the funds anon and afterwards your funds are deposited into the wallet you now accept the adeptness to excellent an SLP-based badge from scratch. Afterwards you drop a baby bulk of BCH arch on over to the “create” area on the larboard aftereffect and it will booty you to the customization window.

In the actualize a badge section, you can accomplish a badge symbol, name, add a white cardboard or certificate hash, upload a URL, and authorize the cardinal of tokens you appetite to initially produce. You can additionally set the cardinal of decimals for your tokens so anniversary one can be disconnected into fractions. After you’ve called all the token’s custom formalities, you can columnist the “create” button and the Mint will let you apperceive your tokens accept been created. From here, you can again arch aback over to the portfolio area and you will see your anew created tokens.

The web wallet offers a few appearance like the adeptness to accelerate the new tokens to addition SLP abode or acknowledging wallet. You can additionally excellent added of the tokens if you admiration by artlessly acute the “mint” button. Lastly, you can alike pay assets to badge holders, afterwards you accept beatific some of your bill to added people. It works aloof like’s SLP allotment calculator tool, which lets you airdrop BCH and SLP assets to badge owners.

A Portfolio of Tokens

The sample tokens I chose to accomplish are alleged SLPTestMint (SLPTM) and I minted seven tokens in total. The SLPTM badge is divisible by eight decimals and the web wallet gives a absolute appearance of the token’s properties, details, and the history of recorded transactions. I additionally absitively to analysis the portfolio and add two spice tokens to the mix and 300,000 Satoshi Cash, a badge I minted a year ago. The noncustodial web wallet is simple to use and anyone can get the adhere of application it rather quickly.

The Mint allows you to be a badge architect and you ability actualize a few billion tokens that are aloof fun to comedy about with casual them forth to your friends. Or you could actualize the abutting big badge rewards project, a absurd custom adherence credibility system, or some accidental bewitched tokens that pay assets to accommodating holders. The sky’s the absolute back it comes to tokenization application BCH and the ambiance is still in its beginning stages. Whether you’re a crypto adept or addition aloof accepting into the cryptosphere, the Mint can get any blazon of user acclimated to the SLP ecosystem appropriate away.

What do you anticipate about the Mint? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about SLP tokenization application Bitcoin Cash and our new account in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Fair Use, Simple Ledger Protocol logo, the Mint, and Jamie Redman.

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