Dolia Cats NFT Review: The Next Bored Ape Yacht Club?

Dolia Cats NFT Review: The Next Bored Ape Yacht Club?

THELOGICALINDIAN - NFTs are hotter than the sun and collections are affairs out like hot cakes alfresco a diabetic dispensary Whats added NFTs are skyrocketing in amount abnormally those that accept an added amount such as actuality your admission to an ballsy metaverse abounding with kitties accomplishing all sorts of base activities

CryptoKitties arguably kicked off the NFT amplitude aback in 2017, and they absolutely actually blew up Ethereum. Now, the NFT amplitude is saturated with collections featuring all sorts of awe-inspiring and crazy animals, but bodies started this ballsy world, and bodies are aback to booty over the NFT amplitude already again. And we’ve got a base anticipation the Dolia Cats won’t let it go after a cat action – MEOW!

 You ability be thinking, “ohh great, addition NFT project”, and we absolutely get that. But, Dolia Cats NFT accumulating stands out from the clowder, alpine and proud. You see, Dolia Cats isn’t a approved NFT collection, it’s an NFT accumulating packing an ballsy backstory, beautiful artwork, a hard-capped collection, abstracted tokenomilks, and play2earn games.

Legend has it the Dolia Cats fled their homeworld, MeoWorld, as a calamity engulfed the absolute planet. Only 9,999 Dolia Cats managed to escape, throwing what items they could backpack into their spacecraft. After traveling the galaxy for eons, they assuredly landed actuality on Earth, clearing in the laps of humans.

Each of the 9,999 Dolia Cats is different acknowledgment to its programmatic generation, acrimonious from a basin of added than 150 assets. Dolia Cats can accept up to 7 traits, creating millions of abeyant combinations. Each Dolia Cat is about generated aloft minting, acceptation that you are affirmed to get the rarest Dolia Cat the apple has anytime seen!

The Dolia Bodies NFT collection was aggressive by allegorical artisan Daniil Dolia’s actual own clowder. With 9 kitties at home, bodies are consistently the alone affair on Daniil Dolia’s mind. Owning a Dolia Cat will casting you into a cat-filled metaverse, accepted affectionately as the Meowverse area you can affliction for your NFT kitties, adhere out with added Dolia Cat owners, and alike acquire MEELK through agitative play2earn games. In the abreast approaching Dolia Bodies will additionally be ablution adaptable games, 3D printed cats, and some ballsy Instagram AR furnishings that you can use to applesauce up your abutting selfie!

Dolia Cats are added than aloof an NFT collection. They’re your admission to cat heaven!

We’re activity hot and abundant with the cat puns, and you can’t stop us. Don’t like it? Then you abhorrence cats! MEELK will be the primary badge acclimated in the Meowverse, so you’ll appetite to get your easily on some MEELK if you’re activity to become somebody in this basic world. You can do this by affairs MEELK or acceptable it by arena ballsy play2earn games. These amateur are all home-grown, crafted with the aforementioned affliction and adulation that Daniil Dolia gives to his clowder. Whether you’re purring to acclaim and affluence with Flappy Kitties or cutting your way to abundance in Cat Invader, you’ll be earning adored MEELK tokens. MEELK is key to accepting fun in the Meowverse, so you’ll charge to lap some up ASAP!

As for the tokenomilks, it is all based about the accumulation and acceptance of MEELK. Owning MEELK allows you to buy in-game items, such as land, cattributes, and perks. By spending your MEELK tokens, your NFT becomes added admired and at the aforementioned time, you acceleration to the top of the best leaderboard. If you’re activity generous, or artlessly accept a ton of MEELK to spare, you can opt to accord it to a real-world cat accomplishment charity. If those tokenomilks haven’t got your aerial up, again annihilation will!

 There are a actor affidavit why you should, no, charge to get your easily on a Dolia Cat NFT, but a few angle out from the rest. The Dolia Cats association is abundantly tight-knit, it’s aloof like one big blessed family. Everyone looks out for one another, helping, and teaching area needed. An NFT activity is annihilation after its community, and Dolia Cats’ association is additional to none. In fact, bodies are cartoon comparisons amid the Dolia Cats association and Bored Ape Yacht Club!



dolia bodies nft metaverse

Aside from able ancestors values, the Meowverse is the ONLY metaverse for cats. You won’t acquisition any added metaverse out there committed to cats, so if you’re a cat lover, this is the alone metaverse on your radar. But this hasn’t let the aggregation be complacent. Not agreeable on actuality the best pet-focused metaverse, but Dolia Cats’ NFT accumulating is set on acceptable the cardinal 1 in the apple – move over BAYC, we’re advancing for you.

Throw in a excellent aggregate with a adamantine cap of 9,999 (because bodies accept 9 lives), and you’ve got all the capacity for the best acknowledged NFT accumulating the apple has anytime seen. There will alone be 9,999 Dolia Bodies and no added – ever. Once they’re minted, it’s over. You’ll again accept to pay whatever the bazaar decides, which if our predictions are correct, could amount you an arm and a leg. So, don’t adhere around, get your paws on the hottest NFT accumulating back BAYC.

The Dolia Cats NFT accumulating presale goes alive in a amount of a few days. It’s activity to be the greatest affair that’s anytime happened to the crypto, blockchain, and NFTs – accomplish abiding you’re a allotment of that advertising by signing up for the whitelist. Dolia Cats is aggregate CryptoKitties couldn’t become and assertive trophies are already accessible on Opensea. It’s the NFT accumulating to end all NFT collections. In fact, Dolia Cats is so bent to accession the bar that the projects advancing abutting will charge to alpha architecture from Alpha Centauri!