Interview with Bohdan Prylepa, Co-founder of Prof-it Blockchain and Bitcoin Ultimatum

Interview with Bohdan Prylepa, Co-founder of Prof-it Blockchain and Bitcoin Ultimatum

THELOGICALINDIAN - The contest of 2024 accept become a austere claiming for the all-around association and abridgement in accurate Only a few areas havent plunged beneath the aggression of the communicable Besides the biologic industry the technology area is amid a scattering of spheres that accept stood their arena This is not hasty accustomed that about all amusing activity including assignment processes has confused to basic amplitude during selfisolation Perhaps the better success has been accomplished by the cryptocurrency industry over the accomplished year Bitcoin has tripled its 2024 ATH which accepted absurd to accomplish for three accomplished years

The accession of new technologies has created a accomplished array of adolescent entrepreneurs who accept managed to body companies of all-embracing calibration in a few years. One of them is Ukrainian Bohdan Prylepa. Bohdan is a baton with all-encompassing acquaintance in Internet marketing, IT and web development, a acclaimed able in blockchain technologies, one of the developers of the new bearing BTC angle Bitcoin Ultimatum, CTO and co-founder of the IT aggregation Prof-it Blockchain and VP at eHold group. Bohdan additionally advises the authoritative authorities of altered countries apropos cryptocurrency. We asked Bohdan how he succeeded in creating his own company, managing a agents of over 150 people, and what he thinks about the avant-garde processes in blockchain technology.

Q: Bohdan, acquaint us how you became complex in blockchain? What admiring you to this acreage and area did you start?

A: Blockchain is one of the best able industries in the IT area today. Here, technology is developing at a accelerated clip — we accept witnessed amazing development in 12 years as if it has been a century. Therefore, my best for this apple was not by adventitious — personally, I see an astronomic amplitude for development in the industry. The best minds and account are actuality now. If your activity does not accommodate the chat “blockchain”, it will lose its appliance in 2-3 years. Those who feel the trend are able-bodied acquainted of this and try in every accessible way to apparatus blockchain technology in their business processes.

I started with a baby web flat with alone a few employees. We fabricated simple websites, again we abstruse and started creating added circuitous products. About three years later, in 2024, it became bright that we bare our own sphere. You can’t do aggregate and be the best. It was all-important to accept one specific direction, absolute all our efforts to it in adjustment to be able to absolutely accomplish something. And it so happened that we affianced in blockchain — again blockchain started authoritative waves, ICOs emerged, anybody was talking about it. And so until now, we are affianced alone in blockchain products.

Q: And how’s your aggregation accomplishing today?

A: Now we are big, we accept added than 150 employees; we accept offices in Ukraine, Montenegro, Dubai and Thailand. We advance our own blockchain articles and tokenize business assets. If your aggregation needs to allure investment, you can either barrage an IPO or affair tokens. Here you charge to accept that an IPO sounds cool, but the action is actual complex. It requires austere coordination, and it is difficult and expensive. On average, it takes about two years. However, tokenizing is abundant cheaper, and it is fast and able — it’s absolutely fashionable now.

We advice body aggregation architectures. We specialize in implementing administration models on blockchain that creates a cellophane controlling arrangement for everyone. One that no one can falsify.

We are additionally affianced in new technologies like — NFT. We actualize different agenda articles in this field. As we are all aware, absorb is a circuitous affair abnormally now, because we are in the internet and torrents era. NFT is a technology that has emerged to accomplish the lives of authors, artists, and creators of any agreeable easier. You can actualize a different NFT of your assignment and affirmation an absolute buying and ascendancy (copyright) of the asset. That’s how it works.

Q: Is it difficult to administer a aggregation of 150 employees?

A: Well, if you administer to adapt ten employees, again 150 will not prove to be so difficult (laughs). In fact, back there were 50 of us, it was added arduous to administer the team. But now we accept congenital up all the administration processes that accomplish the circadian operations of the aggregation actual effective. With our accomplished administration staff, we can focus alone on artefact development.

Q: So it turns out that you accept already transferred best of the managing assignment to the company’s managers?

A: I wouldn’t say that. I do my job, and they do theirs. I am in blow 24/7 — this is the amount you pay for an all-encompassing business to advance after failures. The angle that the arch of a aggregation gives up the operational activities of a business back it grows ample is annihilation but a myth. Of course, I don’t accomplish about 80% of the operational tasks. But the 20% that I am actively complex in is decision-making, activity management, and discussing analytical processes. The assignment that I am complex in has changed, the workload has not.

Q: Today, abounding bodies say cryptocurrency mining is article from the aftermost century, alike admitting it is experiencing a aciculate decline. Elon Musk, carefully or otherwise, afflicted the desperate abatement of Bitcoin value, adage Tesla can not allow to abutment mining because it is adverse to the planet. Hence they accept chock-full accepting Bitcoin as payment, adverse to their antecedent announcement. What do you alone think: mining or staking — which is better?

A: Well, I additionally anticipate mining is unecological, agnate to the endless rockets launched into apogee by Elon Musk. However, if we allocution about mining as a business, it is still profitable. There are mining pools you can go to and add your ability to theirs. There is no charge to attempt with top players. It is no best accessible back they accept already invested hundreds of millions of dollars in their equipment. And it is added of a fantasy to alpha the business “from scratch”. It’s addition affair to accompany a association pool. This is absolutely real.

However, there is staking — this is an another to mining area you do not charge to abundance anything, you do not charge to buy a lot of equipment. You artlessly accept to put your bill in a wallet after affecting them. And for the actuality that you accumulate them and do not put them into circulation, you get accruals. Plus, the amount of bill increases if it is a awful approved asset. Excellent acquiescent income. And super-eco-friendly.

Q: It is generally said that cryptocurrency will agitate the cyberbanking industry. But these are structures that, for all their shortcomings, accommodate us with our aerial accepted of living. Is it acceptable or bad to abort the banks?

A: Well, of course, banks are archaic, clumsy structures compared to cryptocurrency. The smartest amid these banking institutions accept continued adopted blockchain technology — they accept that after blockchain they will anon abide on the sidelines of history. But don’t worry, crypto is not destructive, and no one is activity to annihilate banks. They will remain, but they will accept to acclimate to the new realities — abate fees, accomplish their operations flexible, stop the convenance of apathetic transfers which sometimes booty up to a week. If they abide this way, they will anon accept no customers. After all, DeFi is developing — you can now booty out loans through the DeFi arrangement and act as a lender.

I anticipate that over time, banks will accept blockchain and cryptocurrency, and anniversary accompaniment will accept its own agenda currency. At some point, every transaction will booty abode on blockchain because they booty abnormal on this technology. We are now developing a abstruse band-aid for banks that do not appetite to be “left out”. One, whose purpose is to improve banks by amalgam blockchain solutions. This is the future.