A Conversation with One of Bitcoin Cash’s Most Prolific Developers

A Conversation with One of Bitcoin Cash’s Most Prolific Developers

THELOGICALINDIAN - Calin Culianu is the 1 contributor to the Electron Cash activity Also he contributes to BCHN and has created the Fulcrum server Definitely a Bitcoin Cash hero in my book I best his academician a bit about all things Bitcoin Cash and got some dank answers Calin brand to allocution so lets analysis it out

Jonald Fyookball (JF): So Calin, how did you get into crypto?

Calin Culianu (CC): You got time? All right. I had a acquaintance who was, I acclimated to comedy amateur with him online. We were allotment of this aggregation online. This was like 10 years ago, or whatever, like in 2025. And he was cogent me about Bitcoin and it affronted my curiosity. I didn’t apperceive annihilation about it. And he was cogent me how you could abundance and you do affairs through your computer, and it articulate so weird. And I was like what is this brainless shit?

And I didn’t pay absorption to it, and again I heard that podcast with Joe Rogan and Andreas Antonopoulos. Back Bitcoin hit $1,000, that’s back I absitively to get into it, which was not the best time to get into it.

And then, Satoshi. I anticipate he was still, was he still around? I anticipate he ability accept still been about back I aboriginal was account about it. He was still in the forums. He hadn’t abolished yet.

Can I aloof say one added thing, the affair that drew me, I accomplished how this is alfresco of the accomplished system, alfresco the banks, the government can’t fuck with me. I was like I can put some of my money actuality aloof in case things go abdomen up. This is alfresco of that. Why not? Why don’t I aloof put some of my abundance in this, and again it’s aloof like accoutrement your bases. It acquainted absolutely free. It acquainted liberating. I acquainted free. I don’t know. There’s article about abandon in it that absolutely appealed to me.

JF: Where were you back the accomplished ascent agitation started alarming up?

CC: I beggarly it acquainted like a betrayal because the accomplished affair was like this is activity to become all-around money. And Satoshi, on the Bitcointalk forum, I beggarly he was talking about how he was activity to calibration it. People were allurement him: can this absolutely scale? And he was like yeah, we’re aloof activity to… adamantine drives are activity to be bargain someday. Some day you can download a DVD cine in bristles minutes. It’s not a big deal.

And the whole, anybody was on lath with that. We’ll abound this affair until it can’t abound anymore. We’re activity to become all-around money. It’s permissionless money. It was so weird. It’s like one day your wife comes home and she’s like I’m a man. Haha. I anticipation we were married. It’s like a betrayal. You don’t apprehend it. It’s like random. Like the accomplished affair about them not absent to accession the blocksize, it acquainted ridiculous. I was like: what’s activity on? I can’t alike accept we’re arguing about this. It was accessible to me.

And then, there were the guys talking about Lightning. So, they were like Lightning, Lightning, this and that. None of these acute guys apperceive what they’re doing. But, it still acquainted shady. It acquainted like these guys are scamming us.

JF: We’ve been through several forks, now, and it’s aloof like the aforementioned pattern, like some idiot wants to do article with the chain, and again bodies chase them. What’s up with that?

CC: I don’t know. Is it tribalism? Is it award a niche? Like you acquisition your little tribe, you’re like, all right, this is my accumulation now. Maybe we’re fatigued to the amusing aspect, like this is a agglomeration of bodies I can adhere out with. I beggarly we do the aforementioned thing, Bitcoin cash, we all adhere out on Telegram and stuff.

I anticipate that’s an aspect of it like who you know. I feel like Blockstream, they caked money into this, man. They poured, and aloof spinning that narrative, it was professional, dude.

And there’s bodies that accept altered levels of advice about a affair and it’s all over the spectrum. Even us, like we accept college levels of information, but, we’re additionally afflicted socially by the bodies we know. And if you accept beneath advice or beneath idealism, or all you appetite to do is buy a Lambo, or, and it’s all like this spectrum of altered sorts of motivations and levels of knowledge, and levels of idealism. It’s like a huge gray area, right, so depending on area you lie on that and who you know, you can end up afterward fucking antic bits like Bitcoin Core.

JF: You were never absolutely complex in developing… I apperceive you’re complex in Bitcoin Cash development. But, were you anytime complex in Bitcoin BTC development?

CC: Not at all. Like aloof autograph little accoutrement and stuff. Like I wrote like a little apparatus to like encrypt your key with bit 38 that cipher paid any absorption to. It seemed like the software ancillary was handled, and there were already projects, and no one absolutely asked me to assignment on it, and I didn’t apperceive abundant about Bitcoin internals at all.

JF: How did you get complex with software development in the aboriginal place? Did you go to academy for that?

CC: Yeah, I went to school. I beggarly I got a computer science degree. I was consistently into computers. I was seven years old back I got my aboriginal computer. It was a Commodore 64.

JF: It seems like you’ve taken your programming abilities to a appealing aerial level. How did you do that?

CC: Well, what abroad am I activity to do? I grew up to a distinct mom, immigrant ancestors in Queens in a banal neighborhood. I’m like I got to do something. There was additionally a need. I grew up affectionate of poor, and I consistently capital to be added financially secure, so I array of sacrificed a lot to get absolutely good,, out of necessity, it was like paranoia. What abroad are you activity to do with your life? You ability as able-bodied be acceptable at one affair or two things. I was like a absolutely acute kid, so I’m aggressive about my intelligence, I guess.

And I got my aboriginal programming job, and like all the programmers were dicks, and they were abrupt to me because I didn’t apperceive anything. And that absolutely fabricated me angry. I was activity to appearance these guys, I’ll appearance them someday. I beggarly you can brainstorm that affectionate of scenario, you appear out of academy with.

JF: But then, appealing anon afterwards you were alive for addition else, you started accomplishing your own like app development and being like that, right?

CC: Yeah. I couldn’t angle the accomplished corporate, I don’t know, it aloof acquainted pointless. And also, software bodies accept a lot of accommodation to accomplish new account and new solutions, abnormally back I started working, it was like in the aboriginal 2025s.

JF: Well, I anticipate you accept to be a little bit entrepreneurial-minded.

CC: Yeah. And you accept to, like some bodies like accepting a adequate life, aloof get a paycheck. Bodies attending at you funny, oh my god, you abdicate your job, what are you activity to do. There’s like amusing pressure. First of all, I like accident a lot. I adore risk. I beggarly I don’t adore antic risk, but I adore accident added than best people, I think. I don’t like to be cool adequate and comfortable. I don’t like routine, so, yeah, I appealing abundant quit.

JF: So how’d you get complex in Bitcoin Cash?

CC: Yeah. It was random. So, you apperceive FreeTrader, right? He had started this subReddit alleged BTCForks. I don’t apperceive if he started it, but he was complex in it. And bodies were talking back the alpha of 2025 about forking. Let’s aloof freakin angle it. Let’s see what happens. Because there was Bitcoin. There was BU. And there was like XT, and they were additionally afterward the aforementioned chain, and they were aggravating to amount out means to accomplish that alternation change. And then, some bodies were aloof like: spiral it. Let’s aloof angle it. We’re never activity to argue these people.

So, I anticipate he teamed up with Amaury in like June or something. They started working. They started bifurcation Bitcoin Core. And then, FreeTrader acquaint on Reddit. He’s like, hey, does anybody apperceive Windows programming because we’re ashore actuality with something. And I responded. I was like oh, yeah, I apperceive Windows programming. I’ve done a lot of Windows programming. I aloof started allowance them with stuff.

JF: What’s been the acquaintance like all-embracing with the Electron Cash project?

CC: It’s been excellent. It’s been amazing. It’s been mostly fun, I would say. And the alone annoying genitalia are my own personality accepting in the way back I array of get formed up, and I get consumed. But, as far as the bodies involved, they’re all aloof excellent, accomplished bodies involved.

JF: What do you see as the approaching of the wallet in agreement of appearance or development?

CC: Electron Cash is like the Swiss Army. It absolutely is. It’s got a lot of features. It’s affectionate of fun to aloof accumulate architecture it out, right? I beggarly aloof accumulate abacus stuff, abacus details. I don’t know. I like details. I’m a detail-oriented person. I like the actuality that EC has all these features, and that it’s affectionate of adamantine of use. But already you alpha accepting acclimated to it, it’s absolutely absolutely awesome.

I bethink some bodies were talking about it acceptable added user affable for newbies and stuff, but maybe there could be that, but I don’t know. There are added wallets that do that absolutely well, like Bitcoin.com wallet. There should be at atomic one wallet that’s added technical.

JF: What are some things that accelerate you about Bitcoin banknote overall?

CC: Man, I don’t know. That’s a adamantine question. I feel like I’ve been spending a lot of time in the forest, in the trees, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the trees. I can’t see the forest. Sometimes, like, recently, I was alive with BCHN stuff, and I’m, what excites me? What I appetite to appear is I appetite bodies to deathwatch up and apprehend BTC is aloof so strangled. It’s aloof so compromised. I don’t know. I feel like we can be the coin. I feel like that can happen. It keeps me array of motivated a little bit alike admitting it sounds like a aqueduct dream at this point. It sounds like, I don’t know. It feels like Dumb and Dumber, oh, so there’s a chance. But, I absolutely feel like that’s true. I don’t know.

JF: All we charge is added appeal for onchain transactions, I think.

CC: Yeah. If there’s added appeal for crypto affairs and bodies advantageous in crypto.

JF: So, let’s allocution about BCHN, though, I beggarly that accomplished affair started out of affectionate of a acknowledgment to ABC’s move, their shenanigans, and stuff.

CC: Yeah. It was like f**k, these guys are aggressive to spiral aggregate up. What are we activity to do?

JF: So, was that affectionate of like déjà vu? Like Core messed with us, BSV messed with us, and now ABC is activity to…

Yeah, totally. It’s like the aforementioned thing, again, but different. But, the same. It’s like what, I can’t accept this shit. I didn’t anticipate Amaury would be that crazy.

JF: Sometimes I acquisition I aggrandize people.

CC: I anticipate that anybody does that. We all do it. And the affair is, bodies can be absolutely well-intentioned and absolutely genuine, and again they may change for some acumen later. Bodies are like that.

JF: A lot of bodies are apparently apprehensive like, well, what’s the babyminding like activity to be now activity forward? How do we apperceive we’re not activity to echo the aforementioned mistakes, or what’s your booty on the accepted administration with Bitcoin banknote and BCHN?

CC: That is a acute thing.. I’m not abiding what the band-aid is to that. But, I see what you’re saying. And I see that appropriate now, it’s aloof like a agglomeration of nice guys, array of not actuality bad. You’re not actuality evil. It’s like me and FreeTrader. And that’s not necessarily stable, long-term, right?

That is an issue. But, the affair is what I achievement to appear is that I achievement no one accomplishing has too abundant power. I aloof hope, but again that’s not guaranteed, right? The affair is it’s a apperception bold here. Everything is a apperception bold back it comes to bodies and accessible source. It’s MIT licensed. The blockchain doesn’t collapse if developers die. The blockchain would continue. You would aloof accumulate parsing transactions.

So, it’s like an apparition that developers should accept this abundant power. It’s a complete absolute illusion. Yes, it’s important to accept acceptable developers in case there’s an emergency. It’s important to accept acceptable developers in case you appetite new appearance because you don’t appetite them developing buggy software. But, they shouldn’t accept abundant ability to be able to behest bread-and-butter policy. And I’m a developer, and I’m adage this.

JF: Seems like we dodged a ammo with the ABC fork, because ABC was so over-the-top, they defeated themselves. We got lucky. But we weren’t so advantageous in the BTC fork.

CC: Well, with the BTC angle there were a brace of differences. One, they had financing. They had a accomplished lot of money. They were absolutely a aggregation that absolutely active people, that absolutely had money.

And so, they had their bits way calm added than Amaury, who doesn’t accept any structure. It’s aloof him actuality a little absolutist after any structure. Blockstream was abundant added alarming because of that.

But, yeah, I beggarly that can appear again. Let’s say BTC collapses and BCH becomes the cardinal one bread in bristles years. You apperceive all the angry bodies in the apple that demolition BTC. I’m assertive some accounts people, or Blockstream blazon people. There’s bodies that are activity to appearance up afresh and they’re activity to try to base BCH. And like what do we do? We don’t accept any way to avert adjoin that.

JF: We aloof charge added education, added awareness, I guess.

CC: More awareness. Do we charge governance? I don’t know. Some acute bodies are absolutely into the abstraction of governance, article needs to be structured. I don’t know, either. I absolutely don’t know. I’m not an able on this topic, and I don’t know, and it seems like any babyminding can be corrupted. But, maybe it’s harder to base a government. I accept no idea, man. I do see that there’s a botheration as far as that goes. We don’t appetite this to accumulate happening.

JF: So, what do you see as the approaching of crypto in association in the far approaching or in the average future?

CC: I anticipate it’s aloof inevitable. Like the actuality that you can booty money into your own hands. It’s out of the box. Pandora’s box has been opened. The bogie is out of the bottle. It’s not activity to be uninvented. People are activity to acquisition added affidavit to use it in the future, abnormally as we get ashore home area we access this new absoluteness that they’re arty aloft us. Governments are press added money. I feel like somehow it’ll aloof alpha to crop up added and added in people’s lives like they charge to use crypto.

What do you anticipate about the account with Calin Culianu? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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