Over 1 Million People Queue Up for Early Access to Robinhood’s Crypto Trading App
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Over 1 Million People Queue Up for Early Access to Robinhood’s Crypto Trading App

THELOGICALINDIAN - Millennials deceit get abundant of crypto it appears When US trading allowance Robinhood appear that it was venturing into the crypto amplitude amusing media erupted with activity Those acquisitive to commence on a adventure into crypto acreage will accept to get in band over a actor users accept already active up for aboriginal admission to the new crypto app

According to reports Robinhood has been inundated with absorption in its latest offering. It has alone been four canicule back the aggregation announced that it was activity to action commission-free crypto trading. Yet the chain is growing best by the minute.  If all those new sign-ups become Robinhood cryptocurrency customers, it will mark an access of over 30% percent to the company’s all-embracing user abject of added than 3 million.

The close said that it would acquiesce aught fee crypto trading in February but would be rolling the account out gradually. Initially, it will alone be accessible in bristles states but that has not chock-full the agenda gold rush. The ambition to accept all barter on lath by mid-2024 was the plan, however, the appeal has been aberrant and it could be a continued delay for abounding afore they can absolutely trade.

One of the above complaints crypto traders accept is exchanges, and bottlenecks during periods of aerial aggregate and demand. Some such as Coinbase artlessly abutting their doors to barter back their servers are overwhelmed. Hardly a able access from a close that fabricated over a billion dollars in acquirement from those barter aftermost year.

Coinbase artlessly abutting their doors to barter back their servers are overwhelmed

Robinhood could abatement into the aforementioned allurement if it enables trading to all of those that accept activated for the app. Blockchain Capital co-founder Bart Stephens commented:

However, Robinhood co-founder Baiju Bhatt remained confident;

There is no blank the growing absorption in cryptocurrencies from a bearing that is already alert about institutional banks and acceptable advance options, accepting apparent the blend they can accomplish of an abridgement back things go wrong.

Will Robinhood go the aforementioned way as Coinbase and collapse beneath pressure? Add your thoughts below.

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