Bithumb Opens Walk-In Customer Service Center Following Unprecedented Growth

Bithumb Opens Walk-In Customer Service Center Following Unprecedented Growth

THELOGICALINDIAN - South Koreas better bitcoin barter Bithumb is seeing aberrant business advance and has opened a ample chump abutment adverse for inperson support

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New Customer Service Center

South Korea’s better bitcoin exchange, Bithumb, appear on Wednesday that it has opened a new chump account centermost which appearance 24-hour chump abutment as able-bodied as account counters for one-on-one alternation amid barter and able counselors. The barter described:

Customers can airing up to the cyberbanking teller-like account counters and accept abutment from attorneys one-on-one. The barter expects the contiguous appointment archetypal to accommodate added accelerated and all-embracing chump account and access chump satisfaction.

Bithumb Opens Walk-In Customer Service Center Following Unprecedented Growth

The new chump account centermost is amid on the 5th attic of the Seongbo Yeoksam Building abreast Gangnam Station in Seoul. It has a attic amplitude of about 10,675 aboveboard feet. Currently, there are about 200 chump abutment personnel, according to the announcement, but the barter says that it will not alternate to access this cardinal to 250 if there is abundant demand, so it can acknowledge to customers’ inquiries quickly.

The new account centermost is in accession to the exchange’s two absolute chump abutment centers amid in the headquarters; one of which was added aftermost month. The one-on-one appointment counters are accessible on weekdays from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.

Unprecedented Growth

Bithumb Opens Walk-In Customer Service Center Following Unprecedented GrowthBithumb is South Korea’s better bitcoin barter with about 75.7% of the calm bazaar share. At columnist time, Coinhills lists the barter as the world’s third largest by bitcoin trading aggregate abaft alone Japanese exchanges Bitflyer and Coincheck. The Korean won is additionally the third best traded currency, abaft the yen and the US dollar.

The exchange’s business has accomplished cogent advance recently. In July, its circadian boilerplate trading aggregate was 384.7 billion won. However, on August 9, Bithumb set a new almanac for its accomplished trading aggregate at 1.9 abundance won, or about $1.66 billion USD. Its associates is additionally growing rapidly, extensive 780,000 barter as of July, according to Wednesdays’ announcement.

With the accelerated access in trading aggregate and cardinal of customers, appeal for chump appointment has added dramatically, bidding the barter to addition its chump abutment services, Bithumb detailed.

What do you anticipate of Bithumb’s chump abutment counters? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock and Bithumb

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