BitMEX Adding More High-Performance Trading Tools

BitMEX Adding More High-Performance Trading Tools

THELOGICALINDIAN - BitMEX buyer HDR Global Trading has clearly appear a affiliation with Trading Technologies International Inc TT

Trading Technologies International, Inc. provides high-performance able trading software to audience common — and its new affiliation with BitMEX agency that the latter’s users will now accept admission to bigger trading accoutrement on all BitMEX products.

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Geared Towards Professionals

Specifically speaking, TT is best broadly accepted for alms able traders with a privately-managed basement that anon connects to all-around markets and executes trades. The accoutrement are not advised for accidental retail traders but, rather, able traders and brokers.

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes declared in a columnist release:

Likewise, Trading Technologies CEO Rick Lane stated:


Increased Competition for BitMEX

BitMEX’s affiliation may axis from added antagonism in the cryptocurrency derivatives sector.

Last month, OKEx claimed that it had accomplished added trades with a college aggregate than BitMEX in a 24-hour aeon — “topping the industry globally” with $2.4 billion in trading volume in a distinct day.

While it is absurd that Hayes and aggregation are afraid in their boots at the anticipation of OKEx before BitMEX, such an accident may accept helped activation the closing aggregation into action.

Hayes additionally afresh told Venture Coinist’s Luke Martin that BitMEX is investigating the achievability of ablution bitcoin-backed concise bonds and added BTC-backed banking products.

What do you anticipate of BitMEX’s affiliation with Trading Technologies International, Inc? Let us apperceive your thoughts in the comments below! 

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