Bitpay adds beta exchange to the Copay wallet

Bitpay adds beta exchange to the Copay wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin acquittal processing aggregation Bitpay has appear that it has launched a new affection in its accessible antecedent bitcoin wallet Copay which will acquiesce users to buy and advertise bitcoins anon central of the wallet app

Tapping into the Glidera bitcoin barter API, Bitpay is testing the invite-only barter in the adapted Copay wallet version 1.3.1.

Recently Airbitz bitcoin wallet was the first to absolution a beta version of the Glidera barter central of their wallet which will action aloof like the Copay wallet.

Glidera is a Chicago based bitcoin barter which allows users to buy and advertise bitcoins application their platform. As allotment of the Glidera offering, they advice wallet developers accommodate their bitcoin barter functionality appropriate into wallet applications. Glidera never takes aegis of a customer’s funds, but alone enables the transaction via a affiliated coffer annual application low amount ACH transfers.

As allotment of the beta release, Bitpay is accomplishing a Twitter attack alleged #UseCopay area if you tag in @BitPay and acquaint them how you use the app, you may accept admission to the invite-only beta adaptation to analysis out the barter aural the wallet.