Chilean bitcoin exchange Yaykuy hacked, services taken offline

Chilean bitcoin exchange Yaykuy hacked, services taken offline

THELOGICALINDIAN - Another bitcoin barter seems to accept been afraid whichappearsto be a advancing trendthese canicule in the apple of bitcoin

The victim this time is Chilean bitcoin barter Yaykuy, based in Santiago. The exchange, which is added of a brokerage, aloof like how Coinbase started out, allows users to buy and advertise bitcoins via their web service. The barter focuses on and serves the Chilean community.

In a bulletin they acquaint to their barter home page, they acquaint an amend adage that their barter has been afraid and that they are alive on acclimation their aegis holes as anon as possible. It’s not bright yet absolutely what abstracts was compromised yet or if any bitcoins were baseborn as allotment of the hack. However, the barter account is absolutely offline at this time.

Here is the almost translated bulletin from their website,

Fortunately for Chilean users, there is addition Chilean barter SurBTC which allows users to purchase bitcoin with the Chilean Peso (CLP). Unfortunately, the abounding admeasurement of the drudge isn’t accepted yet and anyone that used Yaykuy may accept had acute abstracts compromised or funds absent as allotment of the attack.