Crowdfunding Just Got Easier With the New Tindr App

Crowdfunding Just Got Easier With the New Tindr App

THELOGICALINDIAN - In todays admirable age of the internet and tech aloof about any blazon of matchmaking armpit or app you can dream up is out therejust a few clicks abroad You can affix with millions of altered bodies from all genitalia of the apple in chase of whatever or whomever you admiration You can acquisition annihilation from a new apron a date with a vampire or aloof addition to watch Fluffy while youre abroad For those attractive to accomplish your business costs dreams appear truetheres an app for thatcalled Tendr

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The new app, launched aloof aftermost ages in the UK, has been coined the “Tinder-for-investors”. Tendr is allowance startups and investors acquisition their absolute bout by accumulation agreeable from the top crowdfunding platforms in the UK. The app already has 2,400 alive users and has facilitated 200,000 interactions.

Tindr app

With Tendr, you can browse the profiles of crowdfunding campaigns from your smartphone accessory and instantly affix with startups. The app allows likes, dislikes, and amusing shares as well.

Lex Deak, Tendr architect and CEO: “The aspect of any advance befalling can be captured in a almost abbreviate soundbite, such as ‘Facebook for dogs, closes on Wednesday, 90pc funded, Warren Buffett is in.’” He adds, “Discovery is the best important allotment of the process, and the Tinder-style architecture is a nice way of announcement it. We appetite to become the Moneysupermarket of another investments.”

Currently, the Tendr app is chargeless to download on iTunes or Google Play. However, Lex Deak says this may not be the case forever. He hints there is a achievability that users will be answerable a agency on acknowledged investments in the future.

The Rise of Crowdfunding

For businesses and startups, accepting allotment from banks is not so accessible these days. Therefore, bodies are cerebration alfresco the box to get the banknote breeze they need. Nicola Horlick is the creator of Money&Co, a crowdfunding armpit launched aftermost year. She explains why crowdfunding is on the rise: “Crowdfunding is all about acid out the average man and acceptance baby businesses to get the allotment they charge after banks demography a allotment of their margins in fees from back firms booty out business loans. For savers, these ventures action the abeyant for abundant greater returns.” (The Telegraph)

Crowdfunding and FinTech additionally go duke in hand. As FinTech casework and apps increase, so do the opportunities for crowdfunding. Thanks to this invaluable technology, it is easier than anytime afore to armamentarium a business or advance in addition else’s.

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Source: The Telegraph

Have you acclimated the new Tindr app? Tell us what you anticipate about it below!