Watch a quick demo of the OpenDime disposable hardware wallet

Watch a quick demo of the OpenDime disposable hardware wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - OpenDime is a new blazon of bitcoin wallet declared as a disposable accouterments wallet by its makers

OpenDime, which is created by the aforementioned accumulation that fabricated the now asleep Coinkite wallet, is a simple USB flash drive area users can amount and abundance their bitcoin securely. The accessory is portable, aloof like cash.

The clandestine key is generated central the OpenDime device, and is never accepted to anyone until the allowance is burst on the device. You can use a concrete dime to breach the allowance on the accessory to get the clandestine key, appropriately the name OpenDime.

Another affinity that is acclimated is that it’s like a piggy-bank. You charge abort it to absorb the funds. At aboriginal that seems like it may be big-ticket and wasteful, but it’s a integral part of the OpenDime security model: you can assurance a closed Opendime, and it’s accessible back it’s been opened.

In this video below, it gives a quick affirmation of how OpenDime bitcoin wallet works. Check it out!