Crypto Asset Manager Bitwise Raises $70 Million in Latest Funding Round 

Crypto Asset Manager Bitwise Raises $70 Million in Latest Funding Round 

THELOGICALINDIAN - Earlier this anniversary Bitwise appear that it had acquired the banking abetment of a new account of investors including KKR architect Henry Kravis and billionaire barrier armamentarium administrator Stan Druckenmiller

The round, which aloft $70 actor at a appraisal aloof arctic of $500 million, featured investors including Electric Capital, Moore Strategic Ventures, Vetamer Capital, and Third Point, amid others. 

Daniel Loeb, architect and arch controlling of Third Point, said:

Bitwise, which has bound developed as a arch asset administrator in the cryptocurrency space, now has over $1 billion in assets beneath management. The close additionally offers a advanced arrangement of banking articles to its clients, including basis funds and exchange-traded funds. 

Related Reading | Bitwise Launches Crypto Innovators ETF

Its Bitwise 10 Crypto Index, which appearance the 10 better cryptocurrencies by bazaar capitalization, includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more. The basis conspicuously has $800 actor in AUM. 

Bitwise Will Use Latest Cash Injection to Bolster Operations

The funds that were aloft will be acclimated to added strengthen its antithesis area and advance its applicant account and sales teams, Bitwise CEO Hunter Horsley said. In the accomplished year alone, the close has angled its headcount and hinted appear acceleration them afresh by the year-end.