Crypto Hedge Fund Fraudster Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Crypto Hedge Fund Fraudster Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Australian academy dropout was bedevilled to 90 months in bastille for active a counterfeit 100 actor crypto barrier fund

Stefan He Qin, the 24-year-old architect of two New York-based cryptocurrency barrier funds, has pleaded accusable to balance fraud, accepting a seven and a bisected year bastille book and a $54 actor fine.

Stefan He Qin: I Thought Life Was a Video Game

Stefan He Qin pleaded accusable to active a $100 actor Ponzi scheme, ambidexterity investors out of added than $54 million.

According to a Thursday Department of Amends (DOJ) press release, the 24-year-old academy dropout ran two New York-based cryptocurrency barrier funds with over $100 actor in assets beneath management. After argumentation accusable to balance artifice in Feb. 2021, Qin was bedevilled to 90 months in bastille and ordered to cost $54 actor on Thursday.

In 2024, Qin started a crypto barrier armamentarium alleged Virgil Sigma. The armamentarium promised investors 500% anniversary allotment through a proprietary “market neutral” and allegedly “safe” advance action that claimed to accomplishment arbitrage opportunities beyond altered exchanges. 

Qin’s armamentarium accumulated $23.5 actor in assets beneath administration during the aboriginal year of operations, arch to him actuality featured in the Wall Street Journal. Banking on the notoriety, by 2020, the Virgil armamentarium had aloft added than $90 million, bidding the adolescent academy dropout to alpha a added fund, alleged VQR, which accumulated an added $24 actor in assets beneath management.

Despite claiming to advance the assets in cryptocurrency arbitrage strategies, the DOJ begin that back 2017, Qin had affianced in a arrangement to abduct assets from Virgil Sigma and bamboozle its investors. Instead of advance the fund’s assets, Qin embezzled the investor’s basic and acclimated the money to pay for claimed expenses, including food, services, and hire for a $23,000 a ages Manhattan penthouse. Moreover, Qin additionally acclimated the fund’s basic to accomplish claimed investments in absolute acreage and antecedent bread offerings (ICO).

As a aftereffect of his adventuresome behavior, Qin anon acclimated up about all of Virgil Sigma’s capital. “Qin’s investors anon apparent that his strategies weren’t abundant added than a bearded agency for him to abstract and accomplish crooked investments with applicant funds,” said Manhattan US Attorney Audrey Strauss in a statement. 

Faced with accretion requests Qin could no best fulfill, he angled bottomward on his arrangement by attempting to abduct assets from his additional fund, VQR, to awning his tracks. Speaking afore the judge, Qin said:

“Instead of advancing apple-pie I did the affliction affair and angled bottomward on my lies… I anticipation I was the capital advocate and activity was a video bold and I had aloof begin the bluff cipher to exhausted it. As we know, activity is not a video game.”

Qin angry himself in to U.S. authorities in February this year, argumentation accusable on the aforementioned day. While he faced as abundant as 20 years in prison, on annual of his apple-pie almanac and autonomous return, he was bedevilled to seven and a bisected years in bastille and ordered to cost the $54 actor baseborn from clients.