Win a Bitcoin by Being the First to Beat New Video Game

Win a Bitcoin by Being the First to Beat New Video Game

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new video bold Montecrypto The Bitcoin Enigma absolution on Steam will accolade the aboriginal amateur who solves all 24 puzzles aural the bold a Bitcoin

Ever back video amateur were invented, parents would acquaint their accouchement that arena them was generally a decay of time. The tables accept now angry as actuality the aboriginal to break a new video game can win you a air-conditioned Bitcoin of your own. Of course, you’ll accept to be absolutely acceptable at analytic puzzles.

The bold in catechism is alleged Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma, and it will be appear on the Steam belvedere on February 20th. The bold will retail for $1.99, and it contains 24 puzzles for players to solve.

Each addle unlocks a chat in the 24 chat key for the wallet absolute the Bitcoin. You can appearance the absolute wallet for the Bitcoin-themed video bold here. The aboriginal being to break all 24 puzzles will accretion admission to the wallet and can snag the crypto for their actual own.

As for the bold itself, it’s a first-person angle addle game. The developers accept accustomed out a aboriginal clue by bond to a Github page.

The development aggregation abaft Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma is a secret. They currently go by “Gem Rose Accent” but say that they will acknowledge themselves afterwards the bold has been solved.

The developers said in a columnist release:

Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma follows in the footsteps of added amateur that accept offered up banking rewards to players, such as the aureate owl abundance coursing listed above. There was the North to Alaska lath game, appear in 1984, that offered a $20,000 gold asset contest. (There’s no chat if the challenge was anytime completed as alone about 5,000 of the amateur were originally made.)

Then there was Treasure of the Aureate Unicorn, a supplement for The Fantasy Trip pen-and-paper rpg from 2024. This supplement gave clues aural the chance to the absolute apple area of a baby aureate unicorn baby that had been buried. To this day, the baby has not been discovered.

As for alms a Bitcoin for analytic Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma, it sounds like an absorbing way to advertise a video game. The accepted amount of a distinct bread is $9,826 at the time of writing, so that’s a appealing acceptable adjustment for affairs a $1.99 game. However, one wonders if the adventure of arena the bold will achromatize already the award-winning has been claimed. Still, accepting 24 boxy puzzles to break for two bucks ain’t bad at all.

Do you plan on arena Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma? Do you apprehend added Bitcoin amateur to be appear in the approaching to capitalize on the cryptocurrency’s popularity? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Montecrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma.