Grab Your Joystick! Atari to Create Its Own Cryptocurrency

Grab Your Joystick! Atari to Create Its Own Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - Atari the iconic video bold aggregation has apparent their banal amount acceleration afterwards announcement they would be creating their own cryptocurrency the Atari Token

For gamers of a assertive age, annihilation can carriage them aback to their adolescence faster than by aloof audition “Atari.” The name abandoned conjures up chase gaming sessions of Pac-Man or Warlords (or Yars’ Revenge, my claimed favorite) while sitting on the active allowance attic in advanced of the TV. Now the iconic video bold aggregation is jumping assimilate the cryptocurrency appearance by announcement the conception of the Atari Token.

Atari is alike with video amateur as the aggregation was the one who brought animate gaming into the homes of millions. Instead of accepting to go to an arcade, a ancestors could adore arena on their TV with the aboriginal Atari animate (later afflicted to the 2600) and after with the Atari 5200. While actual archaic by today’s standards, this was a abstruse and cultural revolution.

Now the bold aggregation is abutting the agenda age by creating their own cryptocurrency and accepting complex with blockchain technology. Reports of this new move has acquired their banal to shoot up added than 60% back February 8th. However, this crypto focus isn’t absolutely what one would originally envision.

The iconic aggregation isn’t absolutely diving into blockchain technology itself. It’s afterward in the footsteps of added entities by activity into affiliation with addition aggregation that is administration all of the blockchain details.

The video bold aggregation is absolutely demography a pale in a aggregation that is alive on an ball belvedere based aloft the blockchain. For their part, they are creating the Atari Token cryptocurrency. The aggregation is additionally accretion its affiliation with Pariplay Ltd., an online casino, to acquiesce bodies to action with cryptocurrencies.


There’s no absolute chat on what the Atari Token will be acclimated for. The alone advice currently amphibian about is this bit of corporate-speak by Atari Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Frederic Chesnais, who said:

In essence, it seems that the bold aggregation is licensing their name to added companies in adjustment to get a bottom in the crypto apple and accomplish some revenue. Associating oneself with cryptocurrency has formed to artificially addition a company’s banal price, such as what happened with the Long Island Iced Tea Corp. and Kodak. I assumption my hopes for a Yars’ Revenge 2 is up in smoke.

Do you anticipate the move by the iconic cast is aloof a way to actualize absorption and accomplish some absolute banknote flow? Did you accept an Atari growing up? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Flickr/@Scott, Wikimedia Commons/@Doug Kline, and Shutterstock.