New SLP Telegram Bots Introduced to Bitcoin Cash Supporters

New SLP Telegram Bots Introduced to Bitcoin Cash Supporters

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Bitcoin Cash association was afresh alien to two new Telegram bots that use Simple Ledger Protocol SLP tokens aural the agent appliance Theres a new SLP Telegrambased dice bot that claims to accommodate provably fair gaming and a developer has additionally launched an SLP allotment Telegram bot

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Spicecasa: The First SLP Telegram Dice Bot

Cryptocurrency-fueled Telegram bots accept become absolutely accepted and there are a agglomeration of applications that acquiesce bodies to tip adolescent users during a conversation. Not too continued ago, covered the Telegram angled bot Button Wallet, which allows bodies to accelerate and accept BTC, BCH, LTC, ETC, ETH, and XLM application the messenger. Last spring, BCH developers created a Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) angled bot that disperses the SLP badge alleged spice. The app was aboriginal acclimated in the Telegram approach associated with the Coinspice publication. These days, the bot is additionally acclimated in added crypto Telegram channels and is available on Twitter as well. Similar to the bot Tippr, bodies can allotment aroma with added Twitter accounts application the platform. Then, about a anniversary afore the end of 2019, a Twitter annual alleged @Spicecasa appear a new Telegram gaming bot is now available that uses SLP tokens for dice games. In fact, the gaming bot leverages spice for bets and jackpots with 226 associates abutting back the antecedent launch.

According to the Spicecasa babble room’s affianced Telegram message, the appliance uses the aroma token’s about accessible API backend to “receive and acclaim aroma as tips.” Essentially, already the ‘Casagamebot’ gets a tip with a accurate command it will cycle and acquaint the user of the outcome. “If the command is not appropriately formatted, we adios the tip through the API and no cycle is performed,” the affianced bulletin adds.

The bot’s apprehension additionally capacity that Spicecasa has started with spice tokens, but in the approaching the app will “expand to accommodate BCH and added accomplished tokens.” The developer who created Spicecasa additionally appear that assemblage should break acquainted for altered types of amateur to be released. Currently, the Spicecasa gaming accumulation has a website that addendum there accept been 1,437 bets at the time of publication, while the armpit additionally annal added Spicecasa gaming data.

Sending SLP Dividends and Airdops via Telegram

In accession to the Spicecasa gaming bot, addition Telegram bot was appear on January 3 which leverages’s SLP Dividend Calculator. The software programmer u/sschueller appear his SLP Dividend Telegram bot Github athenaeum to the Reddit appointment r/btc to see if bodies would like the application. The bot’s Github specs highlight the actuality that the developer created the bot cipher “in a few hours” and he “takes no albatross for any absent funds of any kind.” Schueller additionally larboard a link to the Telegram bot’s approach so bodies can analysis the application.

When Schueller’s SLP Allotment Telegram bot initiates, it asks if you appetite to accelerate BCH assets or airdrop tokens aloof like the tool. If you columnist the ‘Send BCH,’ tab the bot again asks for the SLP token’s different ID. While testing the bot, I entered the aroma badge transaction ID to actualize a analysis invoice. The bot again asks you to access the adapted bulk of funds you appetite to accelerate to badge holders. After allotment how abundant BCH to send, the bot asks whether you appetite to set a minimum or best antithesis for anniversary allotment receiver.

The bot additionally asks you to affirm the advice that you had ahead entered, so it can body a transaction for the payments. When the transaction is created, the bot sends you an antithesis with a QR cipher to pay in adjustment to accelerate allotment payments. Using the aroma badge ID, a minimum antithesis set to zero, and a payout of 0.001 BCH, the antithesis provided the exact bulk I bare to achieve the invoice. Of course, I was aloof testing the app’s functionality and had no ambition of advantageous the antithesis at the end of the experiment.

The BCH association has been addicted of SLP tokens and the abounding applications that abutment the protocol. As the SLP universe continues to grow, bodies will acceptable see added automatic Telegram bots like Spicecasa and accoutrement like Schueller’s SLP Dividend Telegram bot activity forward.

What do you anticipate about the Telegram dice bold bot alleged Spicecasa? What do you anticipate about Schueller’s SLP Dividend Telegram bot? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about these applications in the comments area below.

Disclaimer: This commodity is for advisory purposes only. It is not an action or address of an action to buy or sell, or a recommendation, endorsement, or advocacy of any products, Telegram bots, services, or companies. does not accommodate investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the aggregation nor the columnist is responsible, anon or indirectly, for any accident or accident acquired or declared to be acquired by or in affiliation with the use of or assurance on any ideas, software, concepts, content, appurtenances or casework mentioned in this article.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Telegram Logo, Wiki Commons, Fair Use,, and the SLP Dividend Telegram bot.

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