Op-ed: The Case for Adding CTOR to Bitcoin Cash in November

Op-ed: The Case for Adding CTOR to Bitcoin Cash in November

THELOGICALINDIAN - The afterward assessment allotment on Canonical Transaction Ordering CTOR was accounting by Jonald Fyookball the advance developer of Electron Cash

Canonical Transaction Ordering (“CTOR”) is one of the planned changes for the November 2024 Bitcoin Cash agreement upgrade. There has been absolutely a bit of altercation in the Bitcoin Cash association about this change.

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I had ahead published an commodity answer in simple agreement what the change is.
Although that commodity annoyed some readers and assertive them that CTOR is not dangerous, others were still analytical and capital to apperceive if the change is necessary.
The questions on abounding people’s minds are: “Why do we charge CTOR? Why do we charge it now? And are there added proposals that could achieve the aforementioned thing?”

I attack to acknowledgment those questions here.

CTOR is allotment of a absolute abstruse roadmap advised to advice Bitcoin Banknote become associate to associate cyberbanking banknote for the absolute world. More specifically, there is a bright and above account in CTOR which is that of faster block propagation. There are additionally some added accessory benefits.

Unfortunately, abundant of the abstruse altercation about CTOR has been in the breadth of block validation rather than block propagation, which has brought ample complication and abashing to the all-embracing debate.

Op-ed: The Case for Adding CTOR to Bitcoin Cash in November

Review of Four Different Transaction Ordering Schemes

Let’s activate our assay by considering four altered means we could do transaction acclimation in Bitcoin Cash.

1.TTOR – Topological Transaction Acclimation Rule

This is the accepted accord aphorism for Bitcoin Cash. Affairs accept a fractional acclimation rule. They can be in any adjustment but charge accomplish the cartography which puts ancestor affairs afore adolescent transactions.

2. ATOR – Any Transaction Acclimation Rule

This acclimation would abolish the accepted TTOR aphorism and acquiesce any adjustment of transactions. It’s an abstraction that has been discussed as both an another to CTOR and additionally a precursor.

3.GTOR – Gavin’s Transaction Ordering Rule

This was proposed by Gavin Andresen in 2014. It is about a approved transaction ordering, but the acclimation is not binding (non-consensus) and it additionally preserves the accepted TTOR rule.

4. CTOR – Approved Transaction Acclimation Rule

This is the accepted proposal. “Canonical” refers to the claim that alone acclimation is permitted. The accepted angle is additionally “lexical” or “lexicographic” acceptation that all affairs in a block except the coinbase are sorted in concordance order. This aspect is referred to abroad in discussions as “LTOR”.

For the account of simplicity, the butt of this certificate will about use “CTOR” to accredit to the accepted angle (which additionally happens to be LTOR) alike if a accurate point applies added to the lexical property.  

Block Propagation

Let’s alpha at the beginning. In 2014, Gavin proposed a new access to block advancement and one additive of his abstraction was the canonical acclimation for affairs in a block. The “secret sauce” of his angle was the use of Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) to acquaint the differences in the set of affairs in a node’s mempool with that of a peer.

This band of cerebration formed the roots of the now acclaimed Graphene protocol.

Gavin’s aboriginal acclimation angle is not currently allotment of any BCH accomplishing angle but it is important historically to appearance the roots of the idea. The best accessible appliance for CTOR today is that it helps Graphene assignment better.

A added automatic account of why a different acclimation helps advancement is that you can save bandwidth if you alone accept to address abstracts for missing affairs after communicating annihilation about the adjustment of the affairs in a block. Thus, a approved acclimation can advice added block advancement schemes such as Xthin; its allowances are not aloof bound to Graphene.

In a published critique, a developer had adumbrated CTOR isn’t benign for block advancement because a miner can accept to re-order his own affairs beneath the accepted rules. However, no account is accustomed how that would advance efficiency, except to accommodate a articulation to a forum post which states “… The blow of the affairs are absolutely chargeless to be reordered. For instance by allocation them by txid…”

In added words, abstain approved acclimation so miners can be chargeless to choose… a approved ordering?

If the point is abandon of choice, we will abode that application later.

It is additionally noteworthy that the columnist of the appraisal (Awemany) shifted his opinions on CTOR consecutive to his advertisement and afterwards the Bangkok miner meeting… and he emphasizes that none of the proposed changes are account agreeable the bread over.

Block Validation

A account of the CTOR angle is to abridge alongside processing for block validation. This is a aftereffect of removing the topological acclimation requirement. However, parallelization is not a different benefit; you can still parallelize the action alike beneath the absolute topological acclimation scheme.

The absolute agitation over block validation is a bit of (an unintentional) red herring back block advancement is a abundant bigger aqueduct than block validation.

Still, it may be accessible to readers to analysis the history of the capital arguments on this specific topic. The aboriginal agitation went article like this:

CTOR critics acclaimed that (at atomic in a aboveboard implementation) nodes can verify affairs added bound beneath TTOR back the dependencies for anniversary transaction will accept already been processed. CTOR supporters acicular out that the topological brake is an added accountability that needs to be verified. (In added words you cannot artlessly bisect up the affairs in a block into alongside partitions and be done.)   

Jonathan Toomim again appear an algorithm assuming how parallel validation can be able application the accepted topological acclimation by processing outputs first, again inputs (e.g. “OTI”).

The OTI adjustment can be activated to both TTOR and CTOR. In the case of TTOR, a map of positions for anniversary transaction needs to be generated in the aboriginal loop, and the additional bend ensures that anniversary transaction alone spends bill that are earlier than itself. The requisite assorted loops actuality cede the TTOR advantage in the aboveboard accomplishing a arguable point.  

To summarize, both TTOR and CTOR can be parallelized. Initial tests produced almost equal performance. But to reiterate, this is a borderline affair because CTOR acutely helps block advancement which is a added important bottleneck.

Other Benefits of CTOR

There are some other benefits to CTOR. UTXO administration may be bigger because consecutive inserts can accomplish the use of timberline structures for the UTXO accumulation added able as able-bodied as accretion the possibilities for UTXO commitments.

SPV/Light wallets may additionally adore a minor benefit of transaction exclusion proofs. CTOR can additionally acquiesce acquisition to shards to accompany with merkle architecture and validation.

But the better secondary benefit seems to be a description of the code. Allowing any transaction adjustment makes the cipher added complicated as any adjustment charge be supported. By contrast, bold the lexicographic acclimation allows blocks to be complete the aforementioned way anniversary time and makes testing easier.


Some of the arguments surrounding the validation affair are not specific to CTOR; they are added of a TTOR vs ATOR issue. In added words, should we accumulate this topological acclimation claim or get rid of it?

Some experts accept acicular out that fundamentally, the acclimation of affairs holds no inherent value. I adapt this to beggarly that while it’s accurate that topological adjustment handles dependencies, there is a amount to creating that adjustment initially. Most developers do not argue removing TTOR. This even applies to the advance developers from Nchain.

Furthermore, already the topological claim is discarded, it is a almost baby change to accept a approved ordering. This is one of the attempt abaft the CTOR proposal. In the ABC implementation, abacus CTOR on top of ATOR is 20 curve of code.

The “Central Planning” Objection

One argument to CTOR (that does not assume valid) is the abstraction that miners should be chargeless to appear up with their own adjustment — that they should be accustomed to “compete” for the best means to anatomy blocks and that banishment an adjustment on them is alike to “central planning”.

I am a allegiant adherent of the chargeless bazaar in all its forms. However, this abstraction that miners should attempt on transaction acclimation doesn’t accomplish any added faculty than aggressive on transaction formats, or ECDSA ambit parameters, or any cardinal of agreement details.

There are assertive genitalia of the agreement that are artlessly basement “plumbing”. It may alike be counterproductive to the arrangement as an inefficient acclimation arrangement charge be accurate by all nodes.

The “Optimize First” Objection

Certain developers (Tom Zander in particular) accept bidding a admiration to abide efforts to optimize the cipher application the accepted topological ordering. They do not appetite to advancement or adapt the transaction acclimation because they accept we should analyze and bankrupt the possibilities of the absolute scheme.  

Protocol development should not be adjourned for the sole acumen of a developer adulatory to abide exploring on a assertive trajectory.

Although optimizing aural the accepted agreement banned is a accessible approach, it is not necessarily the best approach. At the end of the day, we charge accept a audible aisle alike if that agency auctioning added paths.

More importantly, this approach prioritizes optimizations over allotment actual abstracts structures, which runs adverse to best practices in computer programming.

Development Roadmap

Bitcoin ABC has appear a technical roadmap that capacity how we can advance the agreement and accommodated our goals of bigger scaling, usability, and adaptability for Bitcoin Cash. It is the best archetype of a absolute and applied plan for our future.

CTOR is one baby but important architecture block in this roadmap.

Although the Bitcoin Cash association is abundant beyond than Bitcoin ABC, it should be acclaimed that the ABC roadmap is accordant with the added roadmap statements appear from assorted groups afterward a multi-group meetup in London in November 2017. In fact, the exact aforementioned approved acclimation angle appeared on Nchain’s roadmap in December, 2017.20  

A Holistic Access May Be Best

CTOR should be evaluated not as an absolute agreement change, but as an basic allotment of the able-bodied planned abstruse access that Bitcoin ABC is spearheading.

There is added than one way to calibration the Bitcoin Cash protocol, but it makes added faculty to booty a “holistic”, analytic access rather than one based on abandoned changes and “hacky” fixes.  

For example, we could use GTOR to get some of the allowances of the approved ordering, but it would crave a topological array during graphene block reconstruction, and would be added complicated.

It would additionally be accessible to apparatus the OTI algorithm to handle alongside validation with the accepted topological ordering, but why booty a piecemeal access back CTOR additionally allows this, provides actual benefits, and simplifies the code?    

Is CTOR a Safe and Proven Agreement Change?

Op-ed: The Case for Adding CTOR to Bitcoin Cash in NovemberAs explained in the “ELI5 article”, a altered transaction adjustment is fundamentally NOT a abolitionist change.

Although added testing and benchmarking would be nice, it is all-important to accept the actual abstracts structures in abode afore added development can commence. It is unrealistic for some groups to assignment for months architecture on agreement changes that are not affirmed to abide later.

There is a risk/reward tradeoff for best agreement changes. I accept apparent a bearded animadversion that changes should be accepted for 3-5 years on testnet afore deploying. But attempting to abate accident with hyperextended attention above the point of acumen is not necessarily prudent.

We are in a chase adjoin acquittal band-aid competitors, both acceptable and added cryptocurrencies, as able-bodied as in a chase with ourselves to abound the transaction aggregate advanced of the block accolade halvings. Some anxious affected risks are required, and there is additionally accident in stagnating.

CTOR has been on the roadmap for about a year and has been discussed at ample for assorted years.

As a amateur to the bounden systems, we charge be an adjustment of consequence better. And we charge authorize the abstruse abject for scalability eventually rather than after so that businesses and applications accept the aplomb to accept Bitcoin Cash as a platform.

On a final note, solid affirmation that Graphene will account abundantly from CTOR can be begin from abstracts calm during the BCH accent test.


There has been ample debate, discussion, and abashing over the CTOR proposal. After review, it seems that CTOR is a alive change with bright allowances and no cogent drawbacks. It is allotment of a acceptable roadmap for ascent Bitcoin Cash. Miners, developers, users, and businesses should abutment its admittance in the November 2024 agreement upgrade.

What do you anticipate about Canonical Transaction Ordering (CTOR)? Let us apperceive in the animadversion area below.

Images via Shutterstock, and Bitcoin Cash 

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