Student Job Market Startup bitJob Connects with UK ATM Company

Student Job Market Startup bitJob Connects with UK ATM Company

THELOGICALINDIAN - Student assignment exchange bitJob accept this anniversary appear a accord accord with BCB ATM UK This will finer accommodate a acceptable Point Of Exit for acceptance in the UK at atomic adulatory to banknote out their balance for jobs undertaken through the service

In an anytime added aggressive job market, University leavers charge accordant assignment acquaintance aloof to get a bottom in the door. Not to acknowledgment the actuality that some added banknote to armamentarium that adorned apprentice affairs wouldn’t go amiss.

At the aforementioned time, abounding administration acquisition it adamantine to antecedent reliable, accomplished and amount able talent. This is abnormally accurate for abbreviate appellation affairs and piecework.

bitJob aims to sit absolutely amid the two camps and comedy matchmaker. Acceptance will body a Dynamic Portfolio Resume (DPR) of the assignment undertaken. This can additionally be acclimated to administer for alum positions alfresco of the service. Employers can appearance this DPR forth with a acceptance acceptability profile, to advice accept the appropriate candidate.

bitJob Co-founder and CMO Elad Kofman explains:

Students can use the account for chargeless and are paid in bitJob tokens (STU) on achievement of work. The tokens are actuality developed on the Ethereum blockchain, and there will additionally be an advantage for administration to accomplish payments in Fiat via PayPal.

To animate accord and advance aural universities, the students’ unions will accept a agency on anniversary transaction through an associate program. This will appear from fees paid by administration who use the service.

bitJob flowchart

STU tokens will additionally be accessible for barter by investors, and the aggregation is currently adventure funding at the Pre-ICO stage. Pre-sale investors are alike actuality offered a chargeless Trezor accouterments wallet.

More advice on the account is accessible in the whitepaper.

Outlets on campus will be encouraged to acquire STU tokens for items and casework such as coffee, abstraction materials, haircuts, etc. As uptake of the affairs grows, this will accessible them up to new markets.

Students and investors will additionally be able to catechumen STU tokens on exchanges, and bitJob intends to aerate the cardinal of exchanges on which this is possible. It will additionally be accessible to alteration STU to added acceptance (e.g. for that pint your acquaintance had to accommodate you the money for aftermost night).

Finally, with this weeks announcement, UK acceptance will be able to use their STU to abjure banknote from ATM machines run by BCB ATM UK. And as we all know, for students, annihilation talks absolutely like adamantine cash.

Landry Ntahe, BCB ATM UK Head of Operations, states:

Do you anticipate that academy acceptance will use STU? More importantly, will abundant merchants acquire it to accomplish it a applicable cryptocurrency? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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