Switzerland’s Leonteq Offers Crypto Assets to Investors in Germany and Austria

Switzerland’s Leonteq Offers Crypto Assets to Investors in Germany and Austria

THELOGICALINDIAN - Swiss fintech close Leonteq has alien its agenda asset articles in two adjoining jurisdictions Germany and Austria The aggregation is ablution its crypto alms with the advice of a Frankfurtbased coffer and in acknowledgment to absorption from institutional and clandestine investors

Leonteq Provides German and Austrian Investors With Exposure to Major Cryptocurrencies

Leonteq is presenting an all-encompassing ambit of articles to investors in Germany and Austria afterwards a acknowledged amplification in its home market, Switzerland. It offers acknowledgment to a absolute of 18 crypto assets, including bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), bitcoin banknote (BCH), and litecoin (LTC), which can be traded in securitized architecture in the three countries, the fintech appear Thursday.

Tracker certificates on these crypto assets are now accessible for investors as listed articles on Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG (Open Market), Leonteq abundant in a columnist release. The aggregation additionally appear it’s accommodating with ICF Coffer AG, Frankfurt, a arch balance trading coffer in Germany, for the alignment and administration of structured articles on crypto assets.

Sasch Rinno, a affiliate of the bank’s Management Board, acicular out that Leonteq is an accustomed issuer of structured certificates and crypto assets. “We are admiring to be alive with them,” he declared and emphasized:

Tino Wendisch, arch of crypto alms at Leonteq, acclaimed that the fintech close is now accoutrement about 76% of the absolute bazaar assets of the arising asset chic in the German and Austrian markets. Björn Geidel, who active sales in the two countries, added that Leonteq and ICF Bank accept been alive calm for abounding years in the breadth of bazaar authoritative of structured products.

The Swiss fintech has been a avant-garde in alms structured articles on crypto assets. The aggregation has been arising tracker certificates and actively managed certificates on the arch cryptocurrencies in Switzerland back 2017. In the aforementioned year, Leonteq additionally offered its audience a abbreviate tracker affidavit and in 2019, a about-face convertible on BTC.

ICF Bank provides institutional audience with able casework accompanying to balance trading and basic markets. Its business is additionally focused on bazaar making, beheading sales, and sales trading for both calm and all-embracing audience as able-bodied as the development and adding of customized indices.

What do you anticipate about Leonteq’s amplification in Germany and Austria? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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