US Court Seizes 81 BTC, Sends Bitcoin Trader to Jail for 41 Months for Money Laundering

US Court Seizes 81 BTC, Sends Bitcoin Trader to Jail for 41 Months for Money Laundering

THELOGICALINDIAN - A US commune adjudicator has ordered a bitcoin banker to cost 81 bitcoins and bedevilled him to 41 months in bastille for money bed-making Thomas Mario Costanzo additionally accepted as Morpheus Titania awash bitcoins to clandestine federal agents assuming to be biologic dealers according to the Department of Justice

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41 Months in Prison

US Court Seizes 81 BTC, Sends Bitcoin Banker to Jail for 41 Months for Money LaunderingThe U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) appear Wednesday, August 1, that District Judge G. Murray Snow has bedevilled a bitcoin banker to 41 months in prison.

Thomas Mario Costanzo, additionally accepted as Morpheus Titania, has been bedevilled to “41 months’ imprisonment, with acclaim for time served back his arrest in April 2024,” the apprehension reads. “Costanzo was begin accusable by a federal board on March 28, 2024, of money laundering.”

The 54-year-old Arizona citizen advertised on Localbitcoins, a peer-to-peer bitcoin barter website, “that he was accommodating to appoint in banknote affairs up to $50,000,” the DOJ described, stating:

81 Bitcoins Forfeited

US Court Seizes 81 BTC, Sends Bitcoin Trader to Jail for 41 Months for Money LaunderingThe board abstruse at balloon that, over the two-year period, “Costanzo took $164,700 in cash…from the agents,” according to the DOJ’s statement.

The agents claimed that Costanzo again “exchanged it for bitcoin in adjustment to burrow and beard the nature, location, source, ownership, and ascendancy of the biologic proceeds.” The Justice Department added acclaimed that “the affirmation at balloon additionally showed that Costanzo acclimated bitcoin to acquirement drugs from others and that he provided bitcoin to individuals who were affairs drugs via the internet,” elaborating:

The bureau elaborated, “The accepted amount of the absent bitcoins is added than $600,000,” abacus that “Costanzo had ahead claimed an absorption in 49.99363132 of the bedeviled bitcoins, and his absorption was absent at the sentencing hearing.”

Third Party Under Investigation

In addition, the US government alone advised Dr. Peter Steinmetz for agreeable in an actionable bitcoin trading business. He supplied added than 30 BTC to Costanzo.

The bureau agreed not to arraign Steinmetz “for his above-mentioned bitcoin trading activity,” as he agrees “that activity forward, and for the abutting two years, he will alone acquirement or advertise basic bill on exchanges registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, additionally accepted as Fincen.” The Justice Department clarified:

What do you anticipate of the U.S. adjudicator sentencing this bitcoin banker to 41 months in bastille and demography his bitcoins? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock and the DOJ.

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