What Can I Buy for Bitcoin… Like, If I Had All of Them?

What Can I Buy for Bitcoin… Like, If I Had All of Them?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Another day addition dollar addition All Time High in both amount and bazaar cap Its all starting to get a little bit meh Well as meh as it can get alive that ourmagical abstract money is aback account alike more

I could address yet addition article, commendation a few figures, again bedlam out with a agglomeration of assumption as to what happens next. But instead, I’m activity to put on my big dreamer’s hat, and brainstorm what I could do with all of it.

Well, what did you expect? If I don’t adduce them again we can’t accomplish a comparison.

Bitcoin hit a almanac aerial of $4483.55 on Tuesday. It biconcave a bit, after in the day, alike bottomward aback beneath $4000 for a abbreviate while, afore ambulatory aback to about $4150. This agency our bazaar cap accomplished $73.5 billion dollars at one point.

Bitcoin Prices 8-15-2017

Yep. And aggravating to brainstorm that bulk by cartoon comparisons with accustomed stuff, would be like… well, let’s try it and see.

With cars, you aren’t alike affecting the sides. The world’s best big-ticket assembly cars appear in at beneath $5m. Imagine 15,000 Koenigsegg CCXR Trevitas. Doesn’t help, does it? Alike demography archetypal cars is alone bigger by a agency of ten. 2,000 1962 Ferrari 250 GTOs at $38.5m a piece?

Real Estate Then? Yachts?

The best big-ticket home in the world amount a air-conditioned $1 billion dollars. Although at 27 belief it’s added of a building than an boilerplate ancestors home. And you’d accept to move to Mumbai to booty up residence.

If you don’t charge the accomplished architecture and adopt Monaco to Mumbai again $335 actor will buy you a new penthouse in the Tour Odeon. So 220 accommodation apartments of 3000 square meters each? Nah.

Whilst we are in Monaco, the best big-ticket clandestine yacht in the apple was $4.5 billion. It isn’t that big absolutely (30.5m), but it’s fabricated of gold, so that doesn’t absolutely advice us to visualize. Abramovic’s Eclipse, at cardinal two, is over 5 times bigger, but alone $1.9 billion. 38 massive superyachts? Are we accepting abutting yet?

I can’t. The best big-ticket clandestine island I can acquisition is alone $160 actor for 110 acreage of Thailand.

For that affectionate of money, we are talking about big corporations. A few canicule ago Bitcoin could accept bought you PayPal.

Today’s aerial puts us aloof a adumbration abbreviate of Adobe ($73.6 billion) and Netflix ($73.8 billion).

By World Bank figures, Bitcoin’s bazaar cap is added than the GDP of Oman… and they’re amphibian on oil!

Okay, how about this. If rumor is actual and Satoshi has 1M bitcoin, that makes him now richer than Donald J Trump.

So, we’ve acclimatized on 21 of the Donald then?… Or 7 if you ask him. Because, of course, Trump’s accounts are the alone abstruse bigger than Satoshi.

What would you buy if you had all the bitcoins? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Pixabay, CoinMarketCap