World Open Network (WON): Reinventing Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology for Society

World Open Network (WON): Reinventing Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology for Society

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Presently, the developing mural of the arising cryptocurrency and blockchain technology arena is dotted with projects targeted at ensuring the bread-and-butter assets of a few bodies at the amount of association as a whole. For WON, crypto and blockchain technology, like the Internet can account a archetype about-face in abstruse advance as a accomplished if channeled to the appropriate application.

Thus, WON wants to actualize a absolute decentralized arrangement that utilizes the technology in a way that creates allowances for all participants after any of the adverse by-products of abreast acceptance cases. All of its accomplishments will be based on guidelines developed to ensure both bread-and-butter and abstruse motivation.

Apart from advancing an altruistic agenda, the WON activity doesn’t intend to lose afterimage of the abstruse aspects of blockchain implementation. Part of this drive is the conception of absolute use cases for basic currencies. WON will animate third-party appliance developers and companies to aftermath advantageous applications on its platform.

On the whole, WON seeks to position itself as the catholicon to the abiding issues afflictive the arising basic bill movement. These problems about centermost about annexation (hacks), actionable aegis badge offers, abridgement of accumulation adoption, and wastage.

The WON Ecosystem

The activity ecosystem contains three analytical stakeholders whose interactions accord to the accepted community. These stakeholders are WON Inc., association users, and third-party developers (TPD).

Each of these participants plays a basic role in ensuring that the activity actualizes its aims and objectives. WON Inc. is amenable for ambience the brawl rolling by creating one billion WON tokens (Ŵ) and several added functions pertaining to active and accepting the cryptocurrency.

Third-party developers access into account agreements with WON and again actualize advantageous dApps. These dApp creators can additionally aftermath their bounded cryptocurrency for use in the dApps – third-party Developer Coin (TPD DC). Community users accredit others while additionally interacting with the deluge of applications on the blockchain appropriately accretion the project’s arrangement effect.

WON Features

WON is both an accessible blockchain that can handle millions of affairs per additional (WON Accessible Blockchain – WOB) and a belvedere for TPD creators to body their dApps (WON Platform). However, clashing added accessible blockchains, WON incorporates abundant avant-garde features.

WOB is a Byzantine fault-tolerant proof-of-authority blockchain. It is WOB that is amenable for creating Ŵ. WOB utilizes activating sharding and able-bodied know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money bed-making (AML) protocols. There are no ICOs or airdrops on the WOB.

WON combines wallet and advocate functionalities to acquiesce both third-party developers and consumers to buy/sell Ŵ cryptocurrency. The belvedere additionally appearance top-of-the-line bartering brand APIs.

WON Tokenomics

Everything begins with the ‘Genesis event’ – the conception of the 1 billion Ŵ which will be endemic 100 percent by WON. The activity will accumulate a ample allotment of all pre-mined Ŵ in algid accumulator and out of apportionment for amid one to four years.

Ŵ will mainly serve as a average for affairs amid altered cryptocurrencies on WON. A baby bulk of Ŵ will be acclimated as allurement payments to association members. The tokens will additionally be acclimated as fees for all address of affairs on the blockchain.

Users can catechumen all accustomed cryptocurrencies to both Ŵ, as able-bodied as DC. Depending on the amount of Ŵ tokens. An capital allotment of the WON bread-and-butter archetypal is to animate greater account for third-party dApps on its blockchain platform.

The ‘Community Bearing Event’ additionally creates 100 billion DC for the project’s aboriginal TPD, Topgames Inc., who’s abaft the game, Evony: The King’s Return. Like with the Genesis accident and Ŵ, no added DC will be created for that accurate TPD afterwards the association bearing event.

DC’s action like the built-in bill for anniversary TPD environment. Assuming the third-party dApp is a game, players can catechumen DC to the one they charge amid themselves and acquirement in-game items. Furthermore, not alone the players can catechumen their DC to addition Third-Party Developer’s DC through Ŵ which acts as a medium, but additionally they can abjure bare DC to authorization in some jurisdictions. Which is believed to be a abundant allurement for players to top up the bold they are playing.

All the while, the breeze of DC for anniversary TPD is actuality tracked, ecology their corresponding arrangement effect. This provides a agency of free the acceptance of anniversary TPD’s application.

For WON, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is advised to action absolute abstruse and amusing benefits. The activity affairs to backpack out the WON Genesis accident at the alpha of year 2025.

What do you anticipate about the WON project’s drive to advance absolute amount conception thereby reinventing the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology narrative? Please let us apperceive the animadversion area below.

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