NFT Marketplace OpenSea Raises $100 Million In Series B Funding

NFT Marketplace OpenSea Raises $100 Million In Series B Funding

THELOGICALINDIAN - Popular NFT exchange OpenSea has appear that the belvedere has aloft 100 millon in a Series B allotment round

OpenSea Raises $100 Million, Now Supports Polygon Blockchain

OpenSea is one of the better and best accepted platforms for selling, buying, and trading NFTs. The exchange has aloft $100 actor in a Series B allotment annular led by Andreessen Horowitz, a adventure backer firm.

Thanks to this banking round, the belvedere is now allotment of the blockchain unicorns. At the moment, the company’s appraisal stands at about $1.5 billion.

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OpenSea says in the columnist release:

OpenSea has additionally announced cross-blockchain support, and that the exchange now supports the Polygon blockchain.

While the acceptable Ethereum-based blockchains charge gas fees (or simply, transaction fees) to run, that isn’t the case with Polygon‘s network.

OpenSea buyers no best charge to pay any fees back transacting NFTs, acknowledgment to the faster and added able Polygon blockchain. The exchange explains:

Aside from a16z, the Series B allotment additionally included investors like Michael Ovitz, Kevin Hartz, Dylan Field, Kevin Durant, Ashton Kutcher, and Tobi Lutke. Coatue additionally took allotment in the round.

OpenSea’s allotment annular comes afterwards a few added NFT marketplaces accept already aloft millions in funding. Not too continued ago, Rarible additionally appear that the close has aloft about $14 million.

The NFT Market

The non-fungible badge bazaar comatose 90% aback in May, but has back started to boring recover. At its peak, the account trading aggregate was about $176 million, while today it is about $55 million.

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While the blast fabricated some bodies anticipate the balloon has popped, fundings like OpenSea’s alone advance that the technology has a ablaze approaching ahead.

Incidentally, the NFT bazaar blast happened in bike with the crypto crash, area Bitcoin‘s amount alone 50%.

At the time of writing, BTC’s amount is about $32k, up 1% in the aftermost 7 days. Here is a blueprint assuming the trend in the crypto’s price:

Bitcoin Price Chart