How These NFT Projects Drained 40K ETH From Their Communities

How These NFT Projects Drained 40K ETH From Their Communities

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to an analysis from Rug Pull Finder a accumulation of NFT projects managed to booty over 40000 in Ethereum ETH or 120 actor from their communities The bearding board accept the groups accept been application one action beyond altered platforms and projects to allure users and abduct their funds

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The additional chapter of a continued investigation, Rug Pull Finders has been attractive into the activities of these NFT projects to try and bare the declared perpetrators of a “cash grab” scam. So far, the board accept affiliated influencers, celebrities, developers, adventure capitalists, “founders” and about 20 NFT projects to the scheme.

At the centermost of this declared operations is Vasco Rouw and a aggregation declared VascoGames. Via these entities, the declared perpetrators accept been able to access communities to “generate hype” and trapped users in the declared scam.

Once they accept accomplished their banking objectives, the perpetrators alone the projects. Rug Pull Finder claimed:

The board were allegedly able to clue the scammers’ affairs with software from Blockchain Intelligence Group. In that sense, they were able to authorize a affiliation amid the altered NFT projects allegedly allotment of the scheme.

Their analysis acicular to Omicron Blockchain Solutions (OBS), the article that wrote “a ample majority of these projects contracts, identifiable in their code”. This article was allegedly abaft 90% of the afterward projects, all classified as scams by Rug Pull Finder:

Naughty Bape Club NFT, Meta Eagle Club – GalyVerse, Shiba Social Club, Prime Ape Planet, Prime Kong Planet, Kitty Crypto Gang, Alpha Kongs Club, Trillionaire Thugs NFT, Bored Billionaires, Digital Ape Club, The SpaceBulls, Supreme Kong, BeHype, and abounding more.

The NFT Projects That Are Too Good To Be Truth

After the board appear the aboriginal allotment of their investigation, Omicron abolish some of the mentioned projects from their websites. In addition, the aggregation “bragged” about authoritative their users over “$60 actor in NFT primary sales”.

Rug Pull Finder was able to articulation Omicron with Kominos Chatzipapas. Born in Greek, this person’s email was allegedly listed as the company’s contact. As apparent below, these declared counterfeit projects are affiliated to a circuitous transaction arrangement that stands to account a few at the amount of the users that accept them.

On the abeyant after-effects for the individuals and entities affiliated to these declared counterfeit schemes, Rug Pull Finder said:

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At the time of writing, Ethereum trades at $2,900 with a 15% accident in the aftermost 7 days.