Web World Offers an Opportunity to Own Nations of your Choice

Web World Offers an Opportunity to Own Nations of your Choice


Get accessible to own the agenda representations of your favourite country as NFT with Web World.

Available on OpenSea, Web World NFTs are a accumulating of 181 blockchain countries that are a different and authentic representations of the nations’ borders, are and location. The aboriginal set of 38 Web World NFTs accumulating including 30 European Union Nations were appear on February 1, 2022. The NFTs of the actual nations will be gradually appear in a phased manner.

The Web Apple NFTs will not aloof be bedfast to maps of the apple nations but additionally specific regions of the world.

Created on the Polygon Blockchain, these NFTs are allotment of the Web World metaverse, which will be a agenda representation of the Earth’s nations in the metaverse. Those purchasing the NFTs apery the nations on the Web World map will get the advantage to adapt the breadth they own; however, they wish. Further, already the bounded NFTs are introduced, owners of the nations beneath which these regions abatement will become acceptable to accept added rewards from the sales of such accessory NFTs.

Web World is the conception of a three-member aggregation absolute Yaroslav Kolosvietov (CEO), Andrii Kovtun (developer) and Anton Zhayri (Creative Director). According to the team, they will be introducing the Asian NFT nations in Q2 2022, followed by North and South Americas in Q3 2022. The Web World metaverse is currently beneath development, with a beta barrage accepted to appear ancient in the advancing months.

Once the Web World metaverse is launched, users will be able to around acquaintance the altered flavours and diversities that are bound in altered regions by advantageous the cultural, accent and bounded barriers.

In accession to actuality a accumulating of agenda collectibles, the Web World metaverse will additionally accommodate educational value, while alms NFT owners budgetary allowances through a allotment in the consecutive sales, giveaways, gifts, and added monetizing opportunities aural the metaverse.

Purchase the Web World NFTs on OpenSea – https://opensea.io/collection/nftwebworld
Learn added about Web World – https://nftworld.land/
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Web World on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/webworldnft