Curing the Disease of Control with Taoism and Crypto-Anarchy

Curing the Disease of Control with Taoism and Crypto-Anarchy

THELOGICALINDIAN - Many bodies animalism for ascendancy They charge to ascendancy altar animals and bodies This charge for ascendancy leads some to use abandon to allay their urges Their dark accordance to ascendancy unlocks a anatomy that destroys their cerebration commonsense It turns them into animals apprenticed by a amulet for ascendancy In some means this charge to administer their ambience can be apparent as a disease

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Wisdom of Taoism and Failings of Confucianism

Curing the Disease of Control with Taoism and Crypto-Anarchy

This affection has led to the acceleration of laws, monarchs, government, and the bloodied administration of the nation-state. These institutions advantage ascendancy as accumulation browbeating and violence, and alike apotheosize ascendancy as a amusing necessity. Luckily, there is a counterbalance. There is a cure for the ache of control. It is the anarchist sentiment. Anarchists can alleviate altruism and transform society.

Anarchists abjure control. They ache for an absence of ascendancy via absence of government. They accede ascendancy is an illusion. There is no way a actuality or accumulation of bodies can ascendancy addition animal being. Attempting to ascendancy annihilation leads to suffering, strife, and chaos. Whenever bodies appetite for control, they become tyrants. The anarchist, however, realizes things are best larboard in peace. Anarchists adopted this aesthetics from the age-old Taoists.

The Taoists believed attempting to ascendancy their ambience alone causes backlash. They believed in the assumption of Wu Wei,  or “non-action.” This assumption suggests aggravating to attenuate the accustomed adjustment does not accomplish happiness. Taoists, then, focused on practicing accord of apperception and compassion. They reveled in the abstention and beatitude of nature. The Taoists believed in blockage in tune with nature.

Control, in their view, was not the way. It is adverse to the ebb and breeze of the universe. The academician architect of Taoism, Lao Tzu, hinted at this back he said: “Life is a alternation of accustomed and ad-lib changes. Don’t abide them – that alone creates sorrow. Let absoluteness be reality. Let things breeze artlessly advanced in whatever way they like.”

The Authority of Confucianism

However, Taoists believed afraid attributes implies control. Taoism appropriately arose as a acknowledgment to Confucianism. The Confucianists believed in control. They believed in the abstraction of authority. They adhered to the angle that the family’s ancestor was the ruler. Therefore, the Confucianists built-in familial allegiance into the affection of society. There was no allowance for adequation in the family. The ancestor was the all-powerful leader. An online article antiseptic this position:

“The axial focus by which Confucian standards of belief are measured: family. Ancestors was the foundation of moral association in Confucianism. Every affiliate of a ancestors had a able accord with the others, authentic by age, sex and bearing order. A accessory owed the elders respect, but could additionally apprehend protection, and so, anybody was allotment of this system.”

Of course, this “respect for elders” generally got translated as ascendancy by elders. This hierarchical alignment in the ancestors was additionally mirrored in society. The Confucianists ported their absolutism over to the abstract branch and into the amusing ecosystem. In affairs of religion, God was the father. In affairs of government, baron was father. Thus all ability flowed from these hierarchies. And until now, the Confucianist accomplishment triumphed over Taoism.

Curing the Disease of Control with Taoism and Crypto-Anarchy

For the best of history, iterations of Confucianism accept bedeviled society-at-large. Sometimes it was alleged all-powerful appropriate of kings. Sometimes it was alleged democracy. Other times it was alleged fascism. Each of these systems accept been brewed central the alembic of violence-backed hierarchy, area allegiance to a authoritative adjudicator takes precedence. Only afresh has the anarchic spirit of Taoism reemerged to annul this age old hogwash.

Today, computer developers, techno-alchemists, and anarcho-entrepreneurs accept been architecture accoutrement that attenuate ascendancy structures. These techno-Taoists are crypto-anarchists. They apply advice technology to alleviate control, and accommodate individuals with abandon from coercion. The Crypto-Taoists and anarchists accept created three accoutrement that accept began to affranchise altruism and agitate the Confucian control-class.


First is the internet. Ironically, the internet was partially crafted by arrogant influences aural the American government. This demonstrates the addiction for Taoist carelessness to appear aural the ambience of control. The internet still represents a counterbalance. It is a techno-dialogical aria to freedom. The internet is a packet-sharing agreement that gave bearing to the agenda realm, absolution the breeze and manual of information. Before the internet emerged, governments controlled amusing narratives and beamed media conduct bottomward on the aimless masses.

With the acceleration of packet administration information, bodies were additionally freed to accommodate agnostic advice from the abundance of their own home. This was a about a Taoist technology. It bedevilled all the hallmarks of naturalistic and ad-lib order. Now counter-cultural revolutionaries, Arab Spring demonstrators, and voluntaryist hippies accept counteracted the chicane of government with their own voice, attempt bottomward the aerial aperture of association with the laser-guided attention of the internet.


The additional is Cryptocurrency. The aboriginal one was bitcoin, which was created by an bearding amount called Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a peer-2-peer decentralized money technology, which uses proof-of-work mining to abate the access of axial planners. It works by leveraging a arrangement of nodes that accomplish it airy adjoin sabotage. The arrangement of bill does not acquire a axial point of failure.

Overall,  cryptocurrency is Taoist in nature. It seeks to be impervious to ascendancy measures. It operates on the amicableness of nature, defying best efforts to ascendancy it. That said, cryptocurrency may be amiss on a abstruse level, but it still destabilizes authoritative influences beyond the world. In this sense, cryptocurrency is the aboriginal appearance of the Crypto-Taoist will. It is money after ascendancy or censorship if acclimated wisely. It is money anyone can use, and it provides the catalyst for a new affectionate of Taoist anarchy that subverts ascendancy of amount and decentralizes it already and for all.

Printable Guns

Finally, there are printable guns. This is one of the newest iterations of Taoist anti-control measures. It is Wu-Wei and Kung fu accumulated into one able invention. As a aftereffect of the advice anarchy and decentralized technology era, 3D printable accoutrements accept appear beginning out of the anarchists closet, abundantly acknowledgment to Cody Wilson. He is the CEO of the aggregation Defense Distributed, and he has printed the aboriginal broadly available, single-shot printable blaster after a consecutive number. He calls it “the Liberator.”

Anyone can acquisition affairs for The Liberator online and book it if they accept all the abstracts and equipment. This abundantly unnerves the Confucian ascendancy class, because it agency anyone can book a gun behindhand of regulations and controls. This abstraction is abomination to aggregate angelic to their arrogant regimes. Furthermore, there are a countless of affairs for all kinds of guns, including advance rifles and aggressive brand weaponry. The appearance of printable accoutrements may always adapt the antithesis of power, aggressive to degrade the Confucian aristocratic from power.

Curing the Disease of Control with Taoism and Crypto-Anarchy

All of these crypto-anarchist technologies represent a acknowledgment to Taoism. They represent a archetype about-face abroad from the methods of Confucius to the agency of Lao Tzu. This agency association will be ashamed through accident of control. It implies acceptable one with attributes and acquainted the appetite to ascendancy is a ache that requires a counterbalance.

Furthermore, attempting to ascendancy annihilation accordingly creates agitated bodies and leads to the accumulation of absolute governments. This is why the breeze of attributes leads against antithesis and harmony. This is why bogus barriers abrade with time, and the assumption of ascendancy gets chaotic and angry to ash.

Let go of the animalism for control. Embrace change; be bugged by the ebb and breeze of abstruse Taoism. It has returned, and the ascendancy mentality is actuality heavily disrupted. This trend will abide as added anarchic accoutrement appear to agreement a freer approaching for humanity. Be actuality now! The Taoist renaissance is at hand.

Do you anticipate the spirit of Taoism is returning? What does the approaching of abandon attending like? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock

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